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Johnny: " so where are we going exactly ' " .

Nalana: " we're going on a road trip to Vegas "

Johnny: " why "

Nalana: " because that's where it all pretty much began because I woke up one day and decided we were all going on a road trip because I was bored I chuckle " .

Johnny: you're Insane aren't you? "

Nalana: " well most people have told me that I just didn't believe them " .

Johnny: " I like you ".

Ash: " she's a keeper nalana is she's the bestest friend we've ever had "

Johnny: " I can tell I would love to be friends with you all you seem like good people "

Arisa: " we get to be you're friends how cool "

Tom: " yeah I'm down with being friends with you ' maybe I could show you some of my bowling skills sometime "

Nalana: " Tom's a really good bowler but you already know that I chuckle " .

Johnny: " yeah but I would love to see sometime Tom I say then I looked at Dean what about you you have any skills "

Dean: " I collect books rare editions actually I go to different places to collect them and sometimes I find rare good books "

Johnny: " that's interesting I say and then I pay attention back to the front and all of a sudden I'm jerked forward then I hit the back of my seat again I look at everyone making sure their ok then I look ahead and nalana is frozen because there's someone passed out on the hood of the car " .

Tom: " what the hell did we hit something I say then I look and there's a person on the hood of the car "

Dean: " you ok ash "

Ash: " yeah I'm ok but what was that? "

Nalana: " he he looks like a man I'm not sure I say and then I unbuckle my seat belt and I open my door getting out of the car and once I do ' I see this man on the hood of my car fully and he's dressed in this weird all black type suit thing and he had like scissors for hands I went to wake him up but he jolted awake and he then fell off my car and I ran to the other side helping him get up " .  

Edward: " I don't know where I am "

Nalana: " let me help you I say and I help him up by touching his arms "

Johnny: " holy shit these characters just keep coming I say and I run over helping nalana with Edward " .

Edward: " you won't hurt me will you " .

Nalana: " no we'll never hurt you "

Edward: " ok "

Nalana: " me and Johnny help Edward to the car then we get in and this time I let tom drive as I recover from what just happened "  .

Johnny: " So Edward uh what do you remember? "

Edward: " I remember Kim we kissed then she left ' and I was sad then I somehow ended up here because I didn't wanna be there anymore so I left "

Wade: " you don't remember anything at all? "

Edward: " nope I don't "

Tom: " that's weird "

Edward: " why do you all look like me "

Johnny: " that's a long story I say and I lean back into my seat " .

Edward: " please can you tell me "

Johnny: " I will later for now you should probably try and relax you just fell " .

Edward: " ok and I try to get comfortable but my scissors make it impossible so I just sit leaning on a window and I close my eyes " .

Johnny: " I made sure edward was asleep ' ok what the hell this is so weird why does this keep happening first it's Dean wade and Tom now it's edward I say "

Nalana: " I know it's weird but trust it and understand it ok that's what me ash and arisa are doing"

Johnny: " this is crazy I say and I lean back closing my eyes again " .

Wade: " maybe I should sing something so ya'll won't be a bunch of sore losers come on you're even making me feel like this whole trip is weird lighten up will ya we may be characters from another universe but come on we should have some fun with it instead of being like it's weird or crazy and with that I start singing " 

Nalana: " I hate to say it but crybaby is right I say and then I continue looking out the window again " .

Johnny: " I sigh ' then I focus on what Wade is singing "

Crybaby: " tears drops are falling out , my eyes ' tear drops are falling I wonder why " 

Tom: " this is gonna be a fun trip I say chuckling and I grab ahold of Nalana's hand with my free one kissing it " .

Nalana: " yeah or a super crazy one I laugh and squeeze Tom's hand a little more then I close my eyes maybe a nap will be good for now " .

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