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Barnabas: " Ash "

Ash: " yeah I look towards Barnabas wondering why he just said my name out of nowhere " .

Barnabas: " where does one throw a ball here "

Ash: " you mean a party I chuckle "

Barnabas: " yes "

Ash: " I look over to nalana and tom help guys I say " .

Nalana: " uh well Barnabas if you wanna throw a party we can I say "

Barnabas: " splendid how soon can we throw it "

Nalana" " tomorrow night if you like 'that's when all of us will be free "

Barnabas: " then we shall do that I however need a different thing to eat with , if I touched this silverware I would burst into flames at the slightest touch of it I say as I put the fork down onto the table " .

Tom: " I'll get him a plastic fork then I say as I get up and leave to the kitchen "

Barnabas: " tell me what's ya'lls advice on courting a woman of this time "

Nalana: " are you looking for someone I say "

Barnabas: " I would like to court someone yes " .

Ash: " well you're gonna have to drop the whole London thing and maybe hang out with a few normal people I chuckle "

Barnabas: " you're not normal people? "

Nalana: " I shake my head we're far from normal I chuckle "

Barnabas: " I smile at her ' you're interesting humans I say " .

Tom: " Alright what we talking about over here I say as I finally come back to the table giving Barnabas a not metal fork "

Barnabas: " I stop smiling ' at her then I take the fork from Tom and I begin eating again "

Nalana: " Barnabas wants to find a girlfriend I say " .

Tom: " oh nice then maybe me and Dean can help find him one ' and Spencer "

Spencer: " yeah I'll come with ya'll to do that "

Nalana: " ok then it's settled I say smiling and I continue eating my breakfast " .


Nalana: " Ok fam honest opinion how do I look I say as I came out wearing my dress for the party "

Ash: " girl you look hot Tom is gonna be all over you tonight " .

Nalana: " you think so "

Ash: " yep now how do I look? And I sworl "

Nalana: " you Iook gorgeous ash you're gonna have Dean all over you "

Arisa: " ok girls now I'm not for sure how I look but I walk out and stand in front of them "

Ash: " damn arisa you lookin fine " .

Nalana: " yeah what she said "

Arisa: " thanks girls you look great yourself "

Nalana: " alright well I hear party music so who's ready to party hardy I smile " .

Ash: " not that again I say as I chuckle "

Nalana: " I fall behind on leaving with ash and arisa ' because I got to my earrings in so I quickly walk back to my room ' and as I'm looking for a pair of earrings that'll match my dress my eyes go to the balcony and I see Barnabas out there standing on it so I walk over , opening the door and I walk out on it as well " .

Barnabas: " you're missing the party my dear "

Nalana: " you're missing it I chuckle "

Barnabas: " indeed , but I must confess I knew you'd come out here because I wanted to you out here I say looking at her "

Nalana: " what do you mean I say confused "

Barnabas: " I like you ' nalana and when I see Tom with you it makes me angry " .

Nalana: " you like me? I smile "

Barnabas: " yes I do alot and I start leaning in and I kiss her , putting my hand behind her head I pull her in " .

Nalana: " no I say and I pull away ' I can't do this to Tom and I step back away from him , I'm sorry Barnabas and I leave quickly going down to the party " .

Tom: " nalana there you are I smile ' me Dean arisa ash wade and Spencer were all about to do shots wanna do some "

Nalana: " yes please I smile and I take a shot downing it " .

Ash: " where were you nalana? "

Nalana: " I was upstairs trying to find a pair of earrings to wear but obviously I couldn't find any I chuckle and I drink down another shot " .

Arisa: " oh there's Barnabas let's get him over here and convince him to do a shot with us I laugh and I run over to him "

Nalana: " I look over my shoulder and see Barnabas ' he looks at me and I look away ' then I down another shot " .

Dean: " woah there you might wanna slow down those are pretty strong "

Nalana: " I'm fine I say and I drink down another one ' I was gonna have to avoid Barnabas forever now " .

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