figuring this out

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Dean: " As soon as the plane landed and they announced it I shot up going to get  me and ash's things "

Ash: " Dean are you ok? "

Dean: " yeah what makes you think I'm not? "

Ash: " you're very cheery attitude I chuckle it's kinda freaking me nalana and tom out " .

Dean: " what I can't be happy "

Ash: " you can be but are you sure it's happiness you're feeling not other feelings because I'm pregnant again "

Dean: " Ash baby I'm thrilled you are pregnant again I've never been happier "

Ash: " you sure because you've been acting strange these last couple days since I've told you now today we're going to France and all I just wanna make sure you are ok with it all if not I can do something about the pregnancy and we don't have to do this... "

Dean: " why would you even suggest that don't worry I'm ok with it all I promise honey ok I smile "

Ash: " ok I smile back at him we'll figure this out together "

Dean: " yep we will I say and I kiss her on the cheek now let's get off the plane before they kick us off I chuckle " .

Tom: " I picked these for you I say handing them to nalana "

Nalana: " awww thanks I smile and I put a flower behind my ear then I hold the rest up smelling them "

Tom: " so while we're here we might as well get some good pictures of ourselves right? "

Nalana: " yeah I was thinking that "

Tom: " how about we go looking around I'm sure Dean and ash won't miss us they are probably off doing their own thing anyways "

Nalana: " good point alright let's go and we both leave turning the other direction " .

Ash: " wait where did nalana and tom go? "

Dean: " lover boy probably took her off to go site seeing as we're here for all of that I smirk " .

Ash: " ok so what are we supposed to do? I raise an eyebrow "

Dean: " we are gonna get you some bread since you wouldn't shut up about it at home then we're gonna possibly gonna go site seeing and maybe go on a boat ride "

Ash: " boat ride oh hell yeah that sounds amazing "

Dean: " see don't I know what's best for you my dear "

Ash: " hmm sometimes "

Dean: " sometimes! Well I'm just offended now I gasp dramatically "

Ash: " I laugh you're silly Dean baby but you are cute so "

Dean: " so is that an invite for me to I wiggle myself at her "

Ash: " nope we have to be careful now I'm pregnant sex would hurt the baby nice try though "

Dean: " oh come on its been like 2 days "

Ash: " sorry but you're gonna be waiting alot longer than that I smile "

Dean: " I groan "

Ash: " come on let's go attempt to find nalana and tom and make sure they are keeping it in their pants I say grabbing Dean's hand and dragging him behind me "

Dean: " this is gonna be a long week in France I groan "

Ash: " yep I say but you get to be with me "

Dean: " that's not what I meant "

Ash: " too bad buddy " .

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