Spencer missing

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Tom: " I walked out of my room and first thing I saw was party decorations on the ground and then I saw ash Dean arisa and wade all asleep although they were in weird positions , then I looked over to the side and I saw nalana she was just on the floor with nothing but a blanket I quickly walked over to her and I helped her up " .

Nalana: " thanks I smile at tom as he kisses me on the cheek "

Tom: " what exactly happened here? I'm so confused I say scratching my head "

Nalana: " I'm confused as well I don't remember much all I remember from last night is just falling asleep "

Tom: " hmm weird... "

Nalana: " yeah it is I say yawning than I lean my head on Tom's shoulder " .

Tom: " you nodding off again I chuckle "

Nalana: " I'm very tired still I laugh "

Tom: " I don't think that's normal you shouldn't be unless my eyes then land on Raoul I was just now seeing him sneaking into the house and when he went to the stairs I shouted Raoul! " .

Raoul: " I turned around and I looked at Tom giving him a wave "

Tom: " what did you give nalana? She's abnormally tired I say raising an eyebrow "

Raoul: " Ok I maybe gave her some- but I'm cut off as a hand makes it's way over my mouth and I just stare at Dean who's glaring at me and I then turn to Tom muffling the rest to him " .

Tom: " Dean what the hell I say looking at him Raoul was just about to tell me something "

Dean: " sorry that's classified information Raoul can't tell you anything I smile "

Tom: " why?? I ask raising an eyebrow "

Dean: " cause he doesn't know what he's talking about I huff then I shove Raoul into his room closing the door behind him and I turn around with Tom right up in my face and I just stare at him "

Tom: " Dean if I find out Raoul gave anything to nalana I'm gonna kick his ass to space where Spencer is at the moment and then I'm gonna kick yours all the way to I'm cut off by Dean kissing me and it takes me exactly a few mins to realize and then I'm shoving him back against the wall eww what the hell ".

Dean: " And I'm out of here I say and I start walking away when Tom grabs me and shoves me against the wall I sigh as as he's glaring at me and I just smirk "

Tom: " first of all don't ever and I mean ever kiss me like that again and second of all what the fuck happened to nalana?? "

Dean: " alright ok Raoul did give her some drugs only sleeping drugs though cause she was freaking out that's all I mean I tried to stop him but it was kinda late "

Tom: " I knew it then I punch Dean straight in the face "

Dean: " ow what was that for I say I told you the truth "

Tom: " that's for kissing me don't ever do that again I say and that's also for lying to me at first then I leave the room " .

Dean: " hey you didn't exactly pull away when I kissed you it took you exactly 5 mins to pull away "

Tom: " because I didn't know you were even kissing me until I realized it whatever this is super weird to be discussing this but seriously that's the worst way to ever distract me I gonna scrub my mouth with bleach "

Dean: " you didn't say it was bad though I smirk "

Tom: " don't ever do it again that's a warning or I'll shoot you I say and I gurgle some water moving it around in my mouth then I spit in the sink "

Dean: " sounds kinky "

Tom: " I mean it Dean I say annoyed then I make my way into the living room again and sit down next to nalana " .

Nalana: " So what was all the yelling about? "

Tom: " don't ask I don't wanna talk about it ever again I say sighing "

Nalana: "  so are we gonna be celebrating? "

Tom: " about what? I don't know what there's to celebrate about the fact that Dean just mouth-raped me or the fact that Spencer's d- missing I smile "

Nalana: " Spencer's missing? "

Tom: " yep because he's stupid I say then I cover my face with a couch pillow "

Nalana: " ugh I wonder where he could of went this time "

Tom: " no idea... I say " .

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