The Pilot: Letters and Names and Unmonetary Gains

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(Cross-posting another fic from Quotev, this time for it's birthday AND in celebration of it hitting 100 hearts there!
BATIS is a two-year-old fic that's one of my most popular ones. It's pinned to my Quotev profile, so feel free to jump over and read the rest of it right off the bat, or you can wait and see what's in store as this updates every month or so.)

"Oh, Blitzo? There's a letter for you."
Blitzo backpedaled from going into his office and looked to his adopted daughter/pet Hellhound, Loona. "Oh?"
"Yeah..." Loona squinted at the letter in her claws. "Says it's for your eyes only."
"Oh boy." Blitzo put a hand to his forehead as he shook his head. "Stolas?"
"Uh...No." Loona tilted her head from one side to the other. "I can't read the name. Jo...Ja...Janey? Jodey?"
Blitzo held out his hand for the letter, which Loona happily relinquished. He took a few seconds to decipher the messy spelling on the letter's envelope. "Joey Drew," he read. "That's our mark. The sender's name is Abby Lambert."
"Of course you can read it," Loona snarked as she rolled her eyes.
Blitzo sat on his daughter's desk and opened the envelope, ignoring the way his Hellhound growled at him over intruding on her personal space. He's never gotten a letter from anyone before. Who even sends letters in Hell in this day and age?
In any case, he started to read-vaguely aware of Loona reading over his shoulder.

"To whom it may concern:
Greetings. My name is Abby. Please forgive the bad handwriting, I'm not in the best position to be clear at this time.
I am in a living Hell. Through no fault of my own, I'm stuck sharing a mind with about a dozen other people. To call it a hive mind is an understatement. We are one, and the one is the ink."

("This woman is batshit crazy," Loona growled. Blitzo was inclined to agree.)
"I don't have much time until I disappear again. I have heard talk of your...For lack of a better word-company, and I was hoping you could help me.
Joey Drew is a despicable man. He killed us all and probably has more blood on his hands than that. I want him dead so we may be avenged. You are the only ones left that can do this, as you are impervious to mortal actions.
I know not where he is. Only where he was. Perhaps, if you come to the studio, you may find some hints.
Abby Lambert"

"Crazy woman." Blitzo threw the letter over his shoulder and pushed himself off Loona's desk. "I'm not going for it. Thanks Loonie!"
"Uh...Sure." Loona awkwardly watched her adoptive father strut back to his office like the letter had already been forgotten. "Bye...?"


"Oh, hey, Blitzo, wait. There's another letter for you."
Day two of receiving a letter? Blitzo quickly doubled back to his Hellhound's desk. "Really?"
Loona nodded. "Looks like it's from the same person."
"That's weird..." Blitzo grabbed the letter from Loona and scanned the envelope. "It is. Even looks the same."
"Open it."
Loona watched as her father obeyed, ripping the envelope open and pulling out the letter. He read it quickly before balling it up. "It just says the same thing!"
"Are you serious?"
Loona stifled a laugh and hid her smirk with her claws. "Maybe she forgot to send it."
"OR, maybe we're being pranked by some smartass."
The Hellhound shrugged. It wasn't below some jerks to set up marks only to send them on wild goose chases for some weird sort of amusement. "Want me to track them?"
"Nah, forget about it." Blitzo threw the crumpled up paper over his shoulder and made his way to his office. "I have more important things to worry about."
Loona rested her furry chin in her palm. "Like what?"
Blitzo slammed the office door as an answer. Loona laughed out loud.


"Oh, Blitzo, before you go-"
"Let me guess," Blitzo said with a sigh. "Another letter?"
Loona nodded. "Yep."
"Same person?"
"Looks like."
"Identical down to the small ink stain on the edge?"
"Pretty much."
Blitzo growled and ran his hands along his horns. "They aren't going to give up, are they?"
"You might as well check it out." Loona sat back and put her paws up onto the desk. "I'm starting to doubt if this is a prank."
Blitzo didn't answer for a moment. She had a point. If this was a demon trying to pull a prank, they were relentless. Might as well see it out and find out if it is a prank or a desperate demon being legit.
"Call in Moxxie and Millie," he said at last. "We're gonna check this out."
Loona scoffed and pulled her paws back, standing up. "Call them yourself," she said. "I'm on break."
Blitzo watched her walk off, then shrugged and pulled her phone down from her desk. Dialing the number he knew off by heart by now, he barely waited for Moxxie to say "hello" before he started talking. "Grab Millie and come down here. We've got a job to do."
Moxxie sputtered and stumbled over his words for a few seconds. "You said-I thought-that we-this was our day off?!"
"I changed my mind!" Blitzo grinned and played with the phone cord. "I'm not doing this without you, Mox. Best employee ever. Employee of the month. Maybe even employee of the year!"
Moxxie sighed. "I get it," he grumped. "We'll be there in a bit."
"How soon is 'a bit'?" Blitzo asked.
Moxxie hung up on him.

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