Special Episode: Recordings (1)

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Voice of Moxxie
I don't know where this came from, we just woke up one day and it's here. I heard Henry playing around with it and talking to it so I'm guessing it's one of those things where you can record your voice.
I'm probably recording straight over it. Heh. Whoops.
Well I'm gonna keep this, make a kind of journal or some crud. It'll give me something to do besides follow Boris around when he goes out and sit here bored out of my skull.
I've been here for-what, a week? And nothing's happening. Nothing's changed.
I want to get out of here very badly.
-*recording ends*-

Voice of Moxxie
Hello again, little recording device. Give me someone to talk to. I'm going crazy here.
I went out with Boris again during his..."Chores". We brought the human along. Henry. He didn't do much, but with another pair of hands we could carry more. We might not have to go out again after today!
Lucky me.
Also the Ink Demon is getting more active. He went after us three times now and almost got Boris. Seeing that thing's smile get wider with excitement...Brr. That's something that's going to give me nightmares.
Also also, I found this thing. It squeaks. *squeaky toy noise* See? It's cute. Looks like that devil character that's all over the place. I might keep it.
I think the other two are setting up the table again so I'm gonna go. Game night is one of the few things we can do for entertainment around here, I'm not about to miss that.
-*recording ends*-

Voice of Blitzo
Does this work-it does! Holy shit!
Okay, okay. Ahem.
Sammy said sometimes things might vanish into thin air because they got into the time loop...Somehow. Don't ask me how that works. I guess that savage ink asshole gets desperate for food. He is pretty fuckin' skinny, after all.
Anyway-Moxxie or Millie, if either of you find this...We're coming. We're gonna find you, okay? Just hang tight. If we are where we think we are, I should be able to pull open the portal to get us home and break that time loop. I tried it earlier but it just let to a void none of us were willing to try. These guys are really trapped here, even Stolas' magic can't get them out...
Whoof, okay. Getting hard to breathe. I'm gonna-I'm gon-
*Violent coughing*
-*recording ends*-

Voice of Loona
I'm overwriting this...What was her name-Moana? Meena? Whoever she is, she's probably dead already, so this is mine now. Usually I wouldn't bother but I need to yell at something before I break.
There's two of us left. I watched Millie get her head ripped off. D-Blitzo's coughing gets rougher every hour. His mouth is entirely just ink. It's gross! It's weird! It's...
I don't like this place anymore. I thought coming here would be fun, like it was when Blitzo first brought me along. Now I want to burn this fucking building to the ground and drag everyone back home for a while.
If I ever see Moxxie again, I may just kill him for putting us through this.
*inaudible voice*
*inaudible voice, a sigh*
Once more into the breach. Moxxie, if you find this somehow, listen to me very carefully: you'd better be in DEEP DARK SHIT during all this. If you're riding high I'm going to break your fucking neck when we find you.
-*recording ends*-

Voice of Loona
Found another one. Fuck you, Milla, this is mine now.
*a groan*
Mine and Jack's. Say hello, Jackie.
*another groan, some laughter*
You're so cuuute~
*yet another groan*
Yes you are, you squishy little bastard. C'mere, let me-let me-
*slight squishing sound, long silence*
What're you doing?
*sound of fast movement*
-*recording ends*-

Voice of Blitzo
Loonie gave me this one. Said it belonged to someone else. I gave it a listen. Bitch talked for hours. How much tape is in this thing?
I'm gonna keep a hold of it. Having something else to talk to is nice, even if I'm basically just talking to myself. I'm good company!
Hello, Blitzo. How're you doing, Blitzo? I'm doing swell! How're-
*slight coughs*
Ugh, fuckin' shit. Gimme a second.
*muffled coughs lasting for several seconds, a groan*
I don't feel good. Fuckin' Ink Demon...Shake it off, Blitzo. Loonie's worried enough already...
*more coughing, voice becomes noticeably weaker*
Shit, I feel like a used condom. I'm gonna go lie down...
-*recording ends*-

Voice of Moxxie
It's getting scary outside. Those...Things are getting violent. We've gotta find something to arm Boris with. Maybe Henry, too.
Not gonna lie, I'm getting worried. I feel like there's eyes on me now wherever I go. Angry eyes. Someone doesn't like me-and I'm not just talking about those "Searchers".
*long silence, squeaky toy noise*
Tomorrow we're gonna go to a new floor. Boris has milked the ones closest to us for all they're worth. He wants me 'n Henry to stay behind since one person runs faster than two or three. I'm a little conflicted about this, but at the same time...Maybe it'll be safer? I'm not-
*loud banging*
Oh crumbs. What the Heaven was that?
*banging continues for several seconds, something wooden suddenly cracks*
-*recording ends*-

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