Special Episode: Recordings (2)

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Voice Of Henry Moxxie and Millie

OW! Millie!

Keep breathin', honey. I don't want these to be too tight.

It hurts when I do-

It'll hurt more if we let it go.

*long period of silence*



Look at me, honey. I have a message for you. I'm supposed to tell you that our boss's trynna find a way to get you out of here.

When was that?


You don't know, do you.

No, I...I don't. Now don't give me that look-hey! Look at me.

What're we gonna do.


Look around, Millie! We're in a time loop! I'm in jail with broken ribs and no weapons! Read the room!

Don't you dare give up hope on me, Moxxie!

What else am I supposed to hope for, a miracle?! You know Lucifer doesn't care enough about imps to do that!

That's enough!

There's nothing left to hope for!


Do you really feel that way...?

*long silence*

I don't know how I feel.

-*recording ends*-

Voice of Millie

I'm gettin' worried about my husband. He's always been a pessimistic type but this is out of hand. I used to be so good at cheering him up, now it's like he's gone inside himself. He doesn't do anything but avoid Tom and barely smiles when talking to me.

There's gotta be some way I can cheer him up. Him an' his friend. It's like I'm talking to shells, it's driving me crazy!

Think, Mil-

*inaudible voice in the background*

Yeah, sugar?

*more inaudible*

You got i-OH! Wait!

*sounds of rapid movement, someone's standing up from the ground*

Allie, hang on, if you could-

-*recording ends*-

Voice of Millie

*guitar playing in the background*

I don't know how how they did it, but the last time Allison 'n Audrey went out-they found a guitar! I can't believe it!

He looks so happy...Just like he used to when he played.

*a pause, guitar continues playing in the background*

It looks kind of crappy, like someone threw it together on a whim, but it plays and that's all Moxxie seems to care about. I heard him jokin' with his friend earlier about it's crappy shape though.

Looks like the one tasked with getting him to smile is off my shoulders now.

I love that man.

-*recording ends*-

Voice of Moxxie

Another nightmare. I don't know how many of these I can take. I don't even learn anything from them, they just repeat themselves over and over again! Watching the Ink Demon rip the head off the Projectionist before flinging the door open gets really...Old...

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