Episode Six: Goodbye Millie

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"Where is this guy?!"
Loona pulled at her ears as she paced. "We've been making noises for minutes on end! Why isn't he here?!"
"My lord doesn't move very fast," Sammy said calmly. "Give him time."
"Oh bullshit, he's like the size of a stick figure! He should be faster than I am!"
"I don't think aggravatin' him is a good idea," Millie pointed out.
"If it makes him move faster I don't give a Satan's blessing what he thinks of me!"
"Loonie, calm down!" Blitzo grabbed his daughter's arm to stop her. "Calm down. He's coming. He'll have to come after all the fucking noise we made."
The remaining members of I.M.P looked to Sammy and Jackie, their only indicators as to how close the Ink Demon was. The two ink creatures looked back at them blankly. Millie winced slightly when she saw Loona's fur start to bristle out of the corner of her eye.
"Sammy, try to think." Millie grabbed Sammy's hand to get his attention. "Is there really no other way we could draw in the Ink Demon?"
"I know no other way."
Loona and Blitzo shared a look. Millie groaned and covered her eyes with her hands. "F' course ya don't..."
"I apologize, girl Ben-"
"Millie, honey. My name is Millie."
"Once more into the noisy breach," Blitzo said with a sigh. "He'd better come this time or-"
"I'll go after him myself," Loona cut him off.
"Over my dead body."
"That's about to be arranged!"
Jackie groaned loudly. Loona growled under her breath. Millie stuck her fist in her mouth to keep from aww'ing at the context.
She care about him, isn't that sweet? It's always nice to see her display an emotion that's not arrogance or irritation towards-
Jackie suddenly bashed his head into Millie's chin, making her wince and move her hands away. She started to ask/demand the ink creature what the fuck that was for when he climbed into her lap and leaned against her while shivering violently. Sammy grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly a moment after. She gave him a questioning look and he glanced around for a moment before whispering something to her. "I'm afraid."
Blitzo suddenly slammed his hands on the piano, hitting almost all the keys at once to create a horrendous noise. Jackie responded to this by hissing and pushing himself further into Millie as if trying to hide.
"Can't you go about that more subtly?!" Loona snapped.
"He doesn't react to subtlety!" Blitzo shouted over the noise he was making. "Go big or go home!"
Millie couldn't help giggling at that. "That's right, sir!"
"Charlie Magne, Blitzo, I can barely hear myself think!! TURN IT DOWN!!!"
Jackie suddenly screamed like a banshee, drowning out Blitzo's response. "Mother of-Charlie!" Millie grabbed Jack when he tried to climb out of her lap and held the squirming ink creature close to her. "Jack, sweetie, shhh! Settle down! What's gotten into you?!"
"He's here," Sammy said matter-of-factly as he looked towards the door of the recording room. "My lord is close by."
"About fucking time," Loona said as she rolled her eyes. She stormed towards the door and looked out into the hallway, then waved her arm. "Hey, Jack Skellington! We're over here!!"
Sammy suddenly yanked Jackie out of Millie's arms and darted into the sanctuary. Blitzo started to follow them as planned when the door slammed shut in his face. "HEY!! What the fuck?!"
"This isn't how this was goin' to go!" Millie made her way over net to her boss and hammered on the door. "C'mon, guys, open the door! You're supposed to keep Blitzo with you!!"
"Did those cowards lock us out?" Loona asked, coming back over.
Millie and Blitzo both nodded. Loona cursed and slammed her fist on the door hard enough to dent it a little. "HEY, COWARDS! OPEN UP!!"
Nothing. Millie noticed with worry that the doorway was starting to darken from ink running down the walls. "Er...Guys?"
"Shit, he's here." Loona shoved Millie towards the doorway and went for the piano. After clearly planning for several seconds on sending it through the sanctuary doorway, she pushed it the other way and climbed on top of it to take shelter in the projectionist's booth.
Snorting a laugh, Millie shook her head and turned to her impending doom. The Ink Demon grinned at her with it's shaky mouth, making her smile back somewhat nervously.
"H-Hey there, honey." Millie dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out her little knife. "You hungry?"
The Ink Demon cocked it's head slightly and stopped, swaying on it's feet a few steps away from her. Millie got into a battle stance.
"Then let's see what's on the menu."

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