Episode Three: Wolf Boy and Demon Dude (feat. Loona)

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Moxxie watched the wolf creature in front of him closely, his ink-stained best friend (the pipe) held tightly against his side. The wolf thing seemed slightly afraid of him but he wasn't about to take any chances.
"So..." He raised an eyebrow. "There's more of you?"
The wolf creature nodded somewhat nervously. "There's tons of us," it said. "Mr. Drew made a whole bunch of us."
"And you thought I was that demon character."
The wolf nodded. Moxxie scoffed. "Please, I don't even look like him!"
"You did at the time," the wolf muttered.
Moxxie looked around the room somewhat cautiously. "Another question...Where am I?"
The wolf creature stared blankly at him.
"And who are you?"
This made it perk up. "I'm Boris!" It said. "And you're in my safehouse. You're welcome to stay. I'd like a friend."
"Yeah, well, I'd like to go home." Moxxie glared at the wolf. "So if you could take me back to the spot where you found me so I could retrace my steps, I'd appreciate it very much."
The request seemed to make Boris nervous. He played with his fingers as his ears drooped back. "What's wrong?"
"It's not safe out there," Boris said. "You got lucky when I found you. The Ink Demon...Usually he can't be stopped."
"Is that what that thing was?" Moxxie sat up. "An ink demon?"
Boris nodded. Moxxie leaned foreword. "How did someone make a demon out of ink?"
This time Boris shook his head. "I don't know," he said. "The same way he made us, I guess."
"Who's 'he'?"
Boris stared at Moxxie blankly again. The imp waited for a few awkward seconds before snapping his fingers in front of the wolf creature's face, making him flinch. Boris looked panicked for a moment before he seemed to remember where he was.
"Oh, you're done." He reached across the table and grabbed Moxxie's bowl of ink Bacon Soup. "Don't worry, I can make some more!"
"Whoa, hey, Boris, hold on!" Moxxie scrambled out of his chair and rushed after the creature as he made his way to the oven close by. "You didn't answer my question!"
"I told you already. You're in my safehouse."
"Not that one, about the Ink Demon!" Moxxie pulled himself up onto the stove to keep Boris' attention. "You said he made you. Who's 'he'?"
Boris dropped the bowls suddenly and grabbed at his head, cutting off Moxxie. The wolf started muttering something in a language Moxxie didn't understand. He hesitantly reached out and touched the wolf's shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"Don't make me remember," Boris whined. "Please, I don't want to remember..."
Moxxie finally sensed he had crossed a line. He slid off the oven, kicked the shattered bowls aside and decided it was time to do a little exploring while he waited for Boris to sort himself out.
There wasn't much to look at, as far as he could tell. A main room/kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom and a door that wasn't locked but also refused to open. Moxxie tried forcing it a few times before giving in and turning to leave-then froze when it finally popped open as soon as he turned his back.
"Okay..." Moxxie somewhat fearfully made his way over to the doorway. "That was odd. Is anyone in here?"
He got garbled chatter in response, some that sounded awfully familiar. He followed the sound to a pile of boxes stacked on top of each other practically buried in chains. "FREE US" was painted in ink against the nearby wall.
He was almost tempted to, but considering the fact that someone clearly went above and beyond to keep them there...Maybe it's best to leave them boxed up.
He continued on, breaking through another stuck door and finding himself in a hallway (something this blasted building seemed to have no end of). Something tall and inky was standing somewhat in the doorway of the room to the right, so Moxxie went to the left. He really didn't want to get into another fight with something made of ink right now.
He found himself in an oddly large bathroom with a smashed toilet and some square thing that looked like it was a beta Gameboy. Shrugging, Moxxie turned to leave-then froze when something on the floor caught his eye.
It was a wooden mask surrounded with candles. A mask he knew very well.
'Is Boris in cahoots with that madman?!'
Right. That was it for him. He turned to leave, hoping to find a back door to the safehouse or something, then almost jumped out of his skin when he noticed Boris had been standing right behind him.
"How long have you been there?!"
Boris shrugged. "I came in not too long ago. I wanted to tell you that I'm gonna go on a supply run, and...Um...Wondered if maybe you'd come with me?"
Moxxie straightened out of his defensive stance. "Answer one question for me first."
"What..." Moxxie pointed at the mask and candle setup. "...is that?"
"Oh I made that." Boris walked past Moxxie and knelt down in front of it. "I found all these candles and the mask, so I thought I'd put 'em together. Makes a kind of pretty picture, doesn't it?"
"So...You don't know it's owner."
"Oh I know Sammy." Boris shivered and looked over his shoulder. "You don't want to run into him."
Moxxie nodded, deciding to play dumb for now so the subject could be dropped. Boris stood up and led the way back to the main room of his safehouse, talking animatedly all the while.

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