Chapter 3

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"Can I go now?"  Rebecca asked.  Molly had already delayed Rebecca's eager exit to get to the shop in the name of waiting for the 'good-luck sandwiches' Molly was making.  But the sandwiches were done and Rebecca was eager.  "Please?"


Rebecca bit her tongue.  "May I please go now?"

"Isn't Fred coming to get you?"  Molly asked, looking around the downstairs for any hint of his presence.

"I'm flooing in the mornings."

Molly raised an eyebrow.  She had noticed Fred's previous insistence that Rebecca not floo but their arrangement seemed to have changed.  "And you'll be back at?"

"Three."  Rebecca squirmed under the questioning and impatience.  "Please?  I don't know if there's anything left to do before opening!"

Molly reached out and brushed off the shoulders of the suit.  "We'll all be coming by later; go ahead and warn them now."

Rebecca laughed and kissed Molly's cheek, grabbing the bag of sandwiches off the counter before running down the hall to the fireplace.  "I will!"  A flash of green followed Rebecca from the Burrow to the shop's downstairs, though she jumped to the back of the fireplace instead of leaving it when three faces leaned in at her.  "Bloody hell!"

Cedric laughed the loudest, his idea to start the first day of the prank shop with a good prank.  His uniform was different than the creators in that he didn't have a jacket.  Instead, his oxford shirt was decorated with suspenders adorned with Ws in different fonts and patterns.  

Collecting herself, Rebecca stepped out of the fireplace joining their excitement.  "Looking sharp, Ced!"

He slid his thumbs under his suspenders, raising an eyebrow.  "You think?"

George nodded and blushed before clapping his hands and doling out pre-opening tasks.  "Alright, alright.  Enough fun.  Rebecca, you make sure that all the sweets are filled.  Fred, make sure the front is clear.  Cedric, man the counter."

"And what will you be doing?"  Fred asked cheekily on his way to do as he was commanded.

George raised the bag of sandwiches above his head as he climbed the stairs to the flat.  "I'll make sure lunch doesn't rot!"


The queue out front began to form well before they had announced they would open and when the doors finally swung in, the crowd swarmed.  Fred, George, and Rebecca, circled the floor; helping guests looking for specific items and answering questions as they came up.

"Hey mate," Rebecca crouched to the floor, meeting the eyes of a wandering toddler.  The little boy pointed up at the nearest sweet display.  "That?  You don't want that."  Rebecca waved as a frantic mum found them from across the shop.

"Boo-boo?"  The boy held a hand up to Rebecca's face, his fingers covering as much of her scar as possible.


"I'm so sorry!"  The mother shook her head and took a breath, her child in arm's reach again.  "Trying to keep him in sight is...well, something impossible.  Have you been using your manners?"

Rebecca laughed and stayed on the ground beside him.  "A perfect gentleman."  She put her hand over his, covering her scar more.  "Not a boo-boo, see?  All good!"  Rebecca stood up as the boy decided her scar wasn't an issue and motioned to be picked up by his mother.  "Who is this master runaway?"

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