Chapter 6

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"Fred?  What is it that you are doing 'ere?"  A heavily French-accented voice rang out in the girls' room early the next morning before continuing on her path of destruction consisting of throwing windows open and clapping her hands to rouse all who were asleep.

Fred lifted his head slowly, surprised he had fallen asleep at all.  His arm untangled itself from the blankets and he stretched out off the bed so widely that Rebecca slid off of him.  Unable to stop in the middle of his stretch, he scrambled as Rebecca slid off of him.

Rebecca's eyes opened just in time to see the floor racing up to meet her.

"I'm so sorry!"  Fred cried out, scrambling off the side of the bed to help her up.

Rebecca's hand was all that Fleur saw raise, feeling around for her glasses before sitting up.  "Could have been worse."  She managed as soon as she caught the breath that had been knocked out of her.  "Imagine how that would have turned out on bunk beds."

Fleur crossed her arms, leaning in the doorway.  "Bunk beds?"  Fleur watched as Fred ran his hands down Rebecca's arms slowly, watching her face for any inkling of pain.  Charlie once--what felt like a hundred years ago--had fallen off the bench in the garden and broken his wrist and he hadn't even cried.  Fred was afraid that Rebecca did something similar and was hiding it.

Ginny groaned loudly, clearly the one left to answer.  "Ze tall beds, bon on top ov ze ozer."

Fleur took the tease with a grace that only made Ginny hate her more.  "I am French, not Russian."  She only stayed to make sure Rebecca passed Fred's test and then left without another word.

"Would it kill you to be nice?"  Rebecca asked, shrugging out from under Fred's hands.  "Really, she's not horrible.  She's really, really nice once you get to know her."

"No, she's 'orrible."

Fred gave Ginny a very cross look.  He hadn't gotten anywhere near enough sleep to deal with her.

Rebecca noticed and took into account that the single bed they had shared was much smaller than the doubles they were used to.  "Come now, darling.  I'm alright, Ginny's going to apologise, everything's okay."

"I'm going to, am I?"

Fred tried to smile, but he only managed half a frown.

"You are!"  Rebecca snapped.

Fred laid his hand on Rebecca's waist, looking her over one more time.  "And you're sure you're okay?"

"Perfect."  Rebecca laughed.  "I needed the exciting wake up!"

Fred finally smiled and kissed her cheek before leaving so that the girls could change freely.  Ginny muttered darkly, widening Hermione's eyes with some of the words.

"Oh, stop being bitter."  Rebecca tossed over her shoulder, already dressed and doing her final once-over of her side of the room in case she had forgotten anything.  "I'll see you downstairs, if you don't insult the steps and end up tripping straight down."

Hermione snorted while Ginny's muttering finally stopped.  

"That didn't even make sense."  Ginny said after thinking over what Rebecca said again.  "And why's she suddenly ready so quickly, hmm?"

"She's always been a morning person."  Hermione tried to defend.

"Mhmm."  Ginny pursed her lips and tried to think of when would be the best time to fit in her apology before they left.  All the same, she didn't think that 'being a morning person' was the only reason Rebecca had gotten ready in a flash.

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