Chapter 9

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"See, it's not so bad!"  Rebecca hope her cheer would catch onto Emmet.  "Right?"

Emmet looked down the hall at all of the coats of armour that glistened in the evening torch light.  "Not that bad?"  He laughed and shook his head, returning to the task at hand.  "It could be worse, I guess!"

Rebecca slapped him on the back before picking up her bucket and rags to continue down her side of the corridor.  McGonagall had given the two of them a scolding for the ages, "Never have I been so disappointed in the leading astray of the young...I don't even want to know how many countless hours you took away from your studies..."  Et cetera.  In the end, Rebecca and Emmet had been sentenced to two weeks of evening armour polishing.

The exhilaration of their escapade was relived with each detention: the oil reacted with inanimate objects exactly as it had with the human trial--loudly.  The castle's breakfast Monday morning had been abruptly interrupted as Rebecca and Emmer ran up and down the halls, touching the Operatic Oil somewhere differently on each suit.  

By the time Filch had found all of the spots, the castle had been hearing opera in one way or another for hours.  And, just as Rebecca had thought, Emmet became the talk of the first years.  He hadn't sat alone at a meal in the week since, and he was never alone in the common room either.  The prank had been exactly what he needed, to be noticed.

Hermione refused to believe that Rebecca's goals had been only philanthropic, but she hadn't made too big of an issue over it.  All three girls, Hermione, Rebecca, and Ginny, were too busy fuming at Lavender's sudden pursuit of Ron to consider fighting amongst themselves.

Just as Hermione wouldn't believe that Emmet had been the only reason Rebecca had played such a prank, Rebecca wouldn't believe that Hermione's hatred of the newly-forming coupling between Ron and Lavender was solely for the solidarity Hermione claimed.

"Lavender's been a monster, especially to you!  As you're my friend, it's my job to be angry--on your behalf!"  Hermione had tried, but Rebecca continued to roll her eyes each and every time she had to hear the excuse.  

But that was in September, back when things were simple.


September 12, 1996

I cannot believe you didn't tell me what you had sent back so I could tell you how brilliant you are with my lips!  Not like talking lips, but-You get it.  Pretend that was so much cooler than it was.

But, back to you, this is wicked!  George is especially impressed by how you used the Whistle-Blossom seeds in the recipe, but I'm not.  I know nothing keeps you from getting an idea off the paper.

Have a laugh with the picture--it's our new and improved poster out front.  (And don't worry, it's all in good fun and that's exactly what a joke shop needs to be.)
Any word when the first Hogsmeade trip will be?


(Attached was a photo of George and Cedric on either side of the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes sign that now said, 'Why are you worrying about You-Know-Who?  You should be worrying about U-No-Poo--The constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!')


September 14, 1996

I didn't tell you for two reasons: one, I knew you wouldn't be able to convince George to try it if you knew what it would do because you'd laugh and scare him away.  Two, I knew exactly how you would want to 'celebrate my brilliance.'

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