Chapter 14

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Fred slept in Rebecca's bed that night, though she would have asked him to stay even if he hadn't been under her blankets after her shower.  Rebecca thought she would fall asleep quickly, but as the house turned to dreams around them, she lie perfectly awake.

Fred too, it would seem, was plagued with waking thoughts.  Rebecca's collection of misshapen and turned blankets kept them warm even as the wind howled against the windows, but sleep did not come with it.

Fred pressed his lips against Rebecca's forehead and tried to turn his thoughts towards rest.  He moved himself lower on the bed, ignoring the fact that it made his feet hand off the end, so that he could put his head under her arm.

"Go to sleep."  Rebecca whispered, a smile playing across her lips.

"Why aren't you?"  Fred whispered back, looking up at her.

"I am."  

Fred nestled his head farther under her arm, tickling her.


"I'm sorry.  I can't stop thinking."  Fred stilled and put an arm across Rebecca's stomach.  No matter how close he was to her, it didn't feel like enough.  Fred couldn't help but fear he would wake up and she would be out of his reach once again.

"What are you thinking about?"  Rebecca ran her fingers through his hair, gently combing it off his forehead.  "Maybe if you get it out of your head you'll sleep."

Fred stared at her a moment before closing his eyes and pulling her closer.  "You.  I can't stop thinking about you."  His fingers grazed against her arm and he traced meaningless shapes softly onto her skin.

"Sleep."  Rebecca continued to comb his hair.  "You can only be sweet during normal waking hours."  Fred turned his head back and let out a fake snore, drawing a laugh out of Rebecca.  "I heard Harry and Ron earlier, something about sledding."

"I did too."

"Then go to sleep so that you're not grumpy for it!"  Fred shook his head and Rebecca grabbed his pillow from where he had pushed it to the side and held it to his face.  Rebecca lifted it a few seconds later.  "Are you tired now?"

"Murdered, more like."  Fred sighed and closed his eyes before talking softly.  "You really should go to sleep.  Don't know why you're keeping me up like this."

Rebecca started an objection far too loud for the hour before stopping to peer across the room to make sure Ginny was still sleeping.

"Love, why're you looking?  You know as well as I that you couldn't see a hippogriff that far without your specs."

"I'd be able to see if she was marching over here to kill us both for waking her."  Rebecca laid her head back on her pillow.  "Sleepy yet?"

Fred tried to say no, but he yawned.  "A little."

Rebecca kissed the top of his head and closed her eyes once more.  They were both asleep in minutes.  

While inching her way out of Fred's grip had been an interesting start to the day, nothing had prepared her for the pandemonium of downstairs.  People were moving in and out of rooms, weaving past other members of the Order with brief, hushed words in passing.

Ignoring the fact that Rebecca was still in her pajamas and sleep still heavy in her eyes, Molly pointed down the hall the second Rebecca's feet hit the floor.  "Table.  Now."

The sheer seriousness of the words startled Rebecca right awake and following after Molly with questions all the while.  "What's wrong?  Something happen?  Sirius and Remus?  It's not da-Oh."

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