Chapter 8

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Rebecca was relieved that Hermione had Ancient Runes on Thursday afternoon.  After Dumbledore's meeting, Rebecca hadn't found a single moment when Hermione let her out of her sight.  

Worse, it wasn't like Hermione was actively trying to be malicious of smothering.  Rebecca made herself remember this every time she wanted to snap at Hermione and run off for a moment alone.  Hermione just seemed particularly lonesome, needing near constant companionship.

"I guess she and George were quite close."  Rebecca thought as she asked for the Room of Requirement for the room she had gotten the first night back in the castle.  "I always did wonder who George found to listen to him when Fred and I were-"  End of thought.

It was Rebecca's solution to Hogwarts without Fred.  Outside of the few minutes she returned his letters or allowed herself a smell from the Amortentia she kept hidden in their room's bathroom, she did her best to not think of him.  It was hard and it hurt, but she had hardly make it through the first week and she knew if she didn't try something, she was going to end up breaking down.

Draco froze down the hall as Rebecca disappeared into the very limitless-possibilitied room.  He needed it for himself and now he would have to wait until she was done doing whatever it was she had to.  "Stupid.  Didn't even ask for it to be unfindable!"  Draco snuck to the door and listened to the cacophony of nonsense happening.  There was a scratching, static noise before music began to play, but it was hard to hear what record it was with the banging of metal and horribly off-tune singing.

It also didn't help that Rebecca didn't seem to care if she knew the words of not.  Draco shook his head in disbelief and brought his hand up, pounding on the door.

"Bloody fucking hell.  Find a single minute to myself and still have-"  Rebecca threw the door open, expecting Harry or Hermione.  "Draco?"

"The one and only."  Draco crossed his arms, trying to look intimidating.  If anyone were to walk by and see him not domineering over a Potter...  "What are you doing?"

Rebecca copied his stance, raising an eyebrow.  "I could ask you the same, considering you're interrupting me."

Draco bit his cheek.  His mind was entirely blank.  "Fine."  He turned on his heel, busy planning through the week for the next time he would be able to escape his housemates' attention.  

"You can come in."  Rebecca called after him, something pushing her towards doing so.  "If you want, that is.  It's my fault, anyway."  She sighed heavily.  "I forgot to ask for privacy because I wanted some biscuits.  Ended up with too many."

Draco followed her into the room, but the door disappeared after he shut it behind him. 

"What?"  Rebecca asked as he looked at her.  "I learnt my lesson."

Draco took the chair by the table on the exiting-side of the room, a heaping pile of biscuits on top.  It occured to Rebecca then that, if Draco really was Death Eater now, she had just locked herself in a room with him.  But when she looked over her shoulder at him and saw how he was picking at a biscuit with a book in hand, she pushed the thought out of her mind.  They couldn't be true.

"You don't mind, do you?"  Rebecca didn't wait for an answer and moved the needle back to the still-spinning record.  She bobbed her head and walked back to the chalkboard, putting up the rest of the current recipe iteration she was testing.  Then, she went straight to her laboratory-like set up to begin.

Draco read the board curiously before standing and going to her desk.  "What class is this for?"  He asked, tilting his head over the brew she was beginning.

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