Chapter 1 Beginning and End

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Hi! I'm Kurona Tetsuya, 22 years old. I had finally completed my training two months ago. I've been working at the White House in America for these two months.

 Yes! I'm a new agent there, of course I also liked to play detective. After all, I'm an anime fan hehe. But the work is really hard, you hardly have any free time. And today is one of those days.

"Ahh, finally closing time!" And stretched as I changed my clothes I noticed something funny. My mole which looked like an infinity sign on my shoulder started to shimmer slightly. 

"Hmm? ... No, totally impossible." I laughed and rubbed my eyes, it was obvious I had dark circles.

On the way home I was really looking forward to it because I had hopes that the new Detective Conan movie would be out soon. I glanced at my phone as I saw a little boy, around 10, walking across the street in at the red light.

 "Heyyy!" I called to the boy when I saw a truck whose driver had probably fallen asleep. 

I wasn't thinking much as I ran towards the boy as fast as I could. Shocked and shaking, he stood on the street and saw the truck coming towards him. 

"Shit!!" I shouted as I jumped at the little one and pushed him very hard towards the sidewalk.

I felt an impact. I felt right after the hard ground. People gathered around me. Then I heard someone yell: "Call an ambulance and the police!" 

I couldn't move, the only thing I asked was "Is...the boy okay...?" I said in a weak, hoarse voice. Just as I was asking this question, I heard a child crying and saw a woman running towards me.

 "Thank you so much for saving my son, hang on!" said the woman. I heard another yell, "When is the damn ambulance coming!!" 

I was slowly getting colder and colder. 

I understood immediately what that meant. And only then did I realize that I was lying in my blood, that wasn't draining slowly out of me. 

I started smiling slightly and looking at the boy and said, "Hey...little man."

He looked at me with a totally teary-eyed face. 

"I didn't help you blame yourself young man." My breathing became heavier and I briefly closed my eyes and looked at him again. 

"Boy, please... promise me that you'll listen to your mother and... obey the rules of the road... from now on..." I said before being interrupted by a heavy cough. 

I felt blood coming out of my mouth. The boy looked startled, but I noticed him picking something up off the ground. 

He started to smile a little and was still crying and looking at me but suddenly he started screaming. 

"I promise you, and when I grow up I'll be a cop just like you!" Then I noticed that he had my ID card in his small hand, which brought a slight smile to my lips again. 

"I hope so!" I tried to say a light laugh in pain. I heard the boy scream a loud, Yes.

I noticed someone in the crowd, a man who suddenly gave me a really disgusting grin that took my breath away. When I heard him say, "Bye, Bye Shadow." 

I was shocked and winced slightly, no one should know that this was my agent name that only my boss knew. But I couldn't think or ask anymore, my eyelids became heavier when I felt a hot and stabbing pain on my shoulder. 

It all went black I couldn't see anything anymore when I thought ah... I'm dead.

At least I thought so...


Chapter 1 End.

Soo I hope you liked this Chapter.

See ya soon at the Second one :3

Once again thanks to   @_Kaishin1412_   who is translateing my story! 

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