Chapter 2 Something new?

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I am enveloped in complete darkness, see and feel nothing. Did i really die ? Yes, probably. Maybe it's for the best... but I've had such a damn short life, I thought in that cold silence. Suddenly I felt that sharp pain in my shoulder again. Am I still alive?

I had lost so much blood. Then why don't I feel anything ? Can't even move ? Lost in thought about what happened to me and what is happening to me right now, I suddenly felt a slight tug on my arm.

I asked myself who is there, I noticed someone tugging on my arm. Suddenly I was surrounded by a bright light and my eyes slowly opened. My eyes had to get used to the light before I could make out my surroundings.

I looked around when I realized I was lying on a bed. Someone pulled my arm again, my gaze wandered to my arm. There stood a little boy and a little girl with tears in their eyes. I didn't know who the two were, when I wanted to sit up, a strong pain went through my whole body. I writhed in pain as I lost consciousness again.

Shrouded in darkness again, in severe pain and a throbbing head, I saw light lights and memories hissing past me. But those memories weren't mine. They were of a little kid, a girl who looked a hell of a lot like me at that age. 

However, it wasn't me, I could tell that she had no parents just like me. I felt so much in common between her and me until I saw two memories that really caught my attention.

One was completely blurry, but shots could be heard and someone laughing. The second I could see and was shocked, the girl was crying with injuries all over her body. I watched in horror as this happened before my eyes, I couldn't help her... couldn't move. 

That caused a stabbing pain in my heart of sadness as this girl felt like staring into my eyes and I was startled. "Help me." Said the little one very quietly as I got tears in my eyes. I want to help her but how ? 

I only saw strange memories... Suddenly everything got dark around me again, but the little girl was standing in front of me. "Who are you?" I asked. She cocked her head to the side.

So I asked again in English: "Who are you?" She looks at me and took a few steps towards me, she said, "I'm Kuro Yui." 

Kuro came even closer to me until she was right in front of me and said, still smiling: "I am you and you are me." I was completely confused when Kuro's eyes turned sad. 

"But now I'm dead ... and you are here." Did she say I caught my breath again, she's dead like me?

  "W-what did you mean, with I am you and you are me?" I asked with a slightly trembling voice. She looks up at me and took my hand as she smiled slightly again. "We are the same person and you're in my body."

Those words made me even more confused than I already was when I was interrupted in my thoughts by her. "I'm dead, I can't go back to my body and I can't go to your body." She said sadly but with a smile on her face. 

"I want you to be alive Kurona, i'm giving you my body.... but please stay alive." The little one said with a trembling voice, as I slowly realized what was happening here. I asked: "But? ... Why?" As she slowly turned transparent and hugged me. 

"Please! revenge me and save the other children! ... I'm leaving my memories with you!" She screamed at me as she too became a small ball of light and disappeared into my chest. When I came to, I was in the same room as before with two children next to me who were looking at me with concern.

I sat up carefully as the girl said, "You....alive?" Only then did I realize that the characters were very familiar to me, I thought Detective Conan or Magic Kaito 1412. 

I nodded to the little one who was happy, the boy did the same and immediately left the room. I got up from the bed, went to a mirror and looked at myself. It's only now that I really realized that it was all, and I'm probably really in the anime. 

I started laughing as tears rolled down my cheeks, I saw all the injuries and felt the pain, of course this can't be a dream. I sink into my thoughts and sit back down on the hard bed. When I thought, an Isekai manga flashed through my mind and laughed. "So the Mysterious Truck - kun is true."

But I quickly calmed down, yes, I am Kuro Yui now and I am 13 years old. And I'll keep my promise, but I guess I'll have to act like a kid now and pretend I don't understand Japanese. It's already dark outside so I'll probably go back to sleep.But I knew something funny was going on here and I'm going to find out what.


Chapter 2 End.

Soo I hope you liked this Chapter. If you do leave a vote :3

Like I said before, Thanks to @_Kaishin1412_ who is translateing my story! 

I hope to see ya in the next one :D

Stay healthy everyone!

KuronaTetsuya <3

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