Chapter 3 The orphanage

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The next morning, I heard a loud thud as the door to my room slammed open. This naturally woke me up and I looked at the door. There was a woman standing there, with an angry expression on her face, yelling at me. 

"Do you still plan to hang out in bed for a long time while you have work?" Since I don't really speak Japanese, I put my head to the side when she came to me and grabbed my hair. 

Is the bitch or what? I thought as she dragged me out of the room like that, even down the stairs to the dining room. Where I saw at least 10-15 scared kids as she threw me on a chair. 

I would love to wring the bitch's neck, But I can't risk involving the kids, let alone doing anything unusual. Also, I want to find out exactly what's happening here as I promised her... The old lady is probably the head of this orphanage.

『Director POV』

Oh, these girls upset me and the little one is still alive, which surprises me ! 

"Listen, you're going to eat well and then clean the whole house ! You can imagine what else will happen!" and look at little Kuro. 

She looks at me too calmly. Much too calmly as the phone rang and I walked out of the room to take the call.

『Kuro/Kurona POV』

I looked at the food, which consisted only of bread and milk. As I watched the director walk out of the room, I could hear her cursing, which surprised me. My ears could hear things far away, so I overheard them as I nibbled on the hard bread like the other kids.

『Director POV』

I answered the call and two interested men answered who would like to buy a few children. Of course, I couldn't turn down the amount they offered me, so we made an appointment for tomorrow. When the phone call ended, my two colleagues came and we went back to the brats. We immediately divided their work between them.

『Kuro/ Kurona POV』

I listened to everything and I have to admit I wasn't really shocked. I heard two more voices come back into this room along with the bitch. They all yelled at us, the kids all winced in fear shared between each of their jobs. When suddenly the leader stood in front of me and slapped me because I was too quiet. 

Good thing I had learned some acting too. "Ouch!" Automatically brought tears to my eyes when this woman just laughed. 

"You brat cleans my office. If you make a mistake, you know what happens!" She said and I nodded quickly, just thinking this is my chance. She led me to her office which looked like it had been specially soiled. 

The bitch handed me cleaning supplies and said she'd be back in two hours. Of course I cleaned, but I also searched. It didn't take long and found the jackpot. I smiled. I saw a pc on the table and turned it on. Yes ! It had internet connection. 

When I came up with an idea, I gathered all the information I could find and put it on a USB stick. I turned the PC off again so that no one noticed that it was being used. Then, Iput the USB stick in my shoe and continued cleaning, but I didn't feel like it.

Two hours passed quickly when this woman came back into the room, but fortunately I was finished.

『Director POV』

I came into my office to check on the brat and looked around. "There you go!" I grabbed the little one and brought her back downstairs.

 "Come on, go to your room, today will be the last night for some of you!"

『Kuro / Kurona POV』

When she said that, I went to my room like the other kids. I have to come up with a plan to take the USB stick to the police, but how ?

I thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of anything. I decided to look in the room as well. It only took about 20 minutes until I found what I was looking for. "Lucky." I grin and look at what I found behind the closet.

An old cell phone with charging cable. I hope it still works.

I plugged it into the outlet, the screen lit up. "Ultra lucky." It even has a working SIM card and hid it behind the closet while it was charging. I lay down on the bed to continue thinking about how to get the USB stick to the police.

After a while I fell asleep without thinking about anything. Of course I couldn't just call the police or write an e-mail, that would be too conspicuous.

I also had to think about how to proceed tomorrow... According to this woman, people will come tomorrow who wanted to have a few children....


Chapter 3 End.

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See ya in the next one.

Your KuronaTetsu  <3

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