Chapter 5 Conan and Kogoro

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A good hour ahead...

Kaito PoV:

I was just on my way home with Aoko, who was all over me about her father. Since he only talked about Kaito Kid at home, well, I shouldn't get upset, she's sometimes a good source of information. 

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice something flying in my direction. And smacked me right on the head, "ufff!" Wondering what it was, I looked down at the ground and picked it up.

 "A scrap of cloth?" But when I looked at it more closely I felt something more solid wrapped up in it. 

"What's that?" asked Aoko, to which I replied, "I don't know." As I unwrapped it and read the words on it. It says, "For Police, important."

 Aoko looked at me confused and said to me, if it's already written on it we should give it to her father. To which I nodded, but I was also curious who had thrown that USB stick and what its contents were. We made our way to police headquarters.

Half an hour later.

Conan POV:

I'm just on my way home with Ayumi, Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ai when we finish class. It wasn't long before we said our goodbyes and went our own ways home. 

When I arrived at the Mori Detective Agency, that is, at Uncle and Ran's house, I unlocked the door and said in my childish voice: "I'm back." Whereupon Ran greeted me and of course I found the uncle once again sleeping on the desk under beer cans. 

When my mobile phone suddenly vibrated, I took it out. A number I didn't know lit up on the display. But when I opened the text message I became serious, a SoS message in English. I wrote back to make sure it wasn't a joke from someone and quickly got the second one:

Death 4, Kidnapping, Guns 3 and fourteen Children.

I immediately woke up the uncle and told Ran to call Inspector Megure, which she did. While we were waiting for the inspector, I kept writing to the person to find out what the situation was and where they were. 

She wrote in English but only in fractions, either she was very young or she had to write quickly in case she was discovered or even both. When I got the next text message with an attempted description of how they drove a truck from an orphanage.

Now Inspector Megure has finally arrived together with Inspector Takagi and Sato, to whom we immediately showed and explained the messages when I already got the next one. 

About noises she heard when suddenly a text message came with the message hold. I was worried because when I answered, no message came back. The commissioner was also worried, so we decided to write the information on a map from each orphanage. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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