Chapter 4 SoS!

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Kurona/ Kuro PoV:

I woke up the next morning, went to the wardrobe and got dressed, I looked for a top to hide the mobile phone in. I took the phone out of its hiding place because it was fully charged and put it in my jumper, on the USB stick I wrote "For the police".

Wrapped it in some cloth and put it with the phone, I put on my shoes. All of a sudden I heard men shouting, my door slammed open and one came in he didn't say anything and pulled me out of the room. Downstairs in the common room he pushed me towards the other children who were looking at me scared.

I noticed that there were three guys, they were armed. I also saw the leader with him two colleagues, one of the other three guys looking at our faces. I definitely have to act like a child right now but I also had to take the USB stick to the police.

The Head of the Orphanage POV

"Yes, that's all the children." I said with a smile. 

I asked which ones they wanted, and the thicket of the three replied, "All of them." 

The smile fell off my face, I needed some brats after all.

Unknown (thicker Man) POV

"You talk too much woman, after all we are paying!" I shouted at her, I would like to kill all three of them but We have to travel together.

Unknown (smaller Man) PoV

"We should get them into the truck before anyone else sees us." I said as I waved the gun in front of the children.

Kurona/ Kuro PoV

No sooner said than done, they took each child out one by one, one staying inside the house, the other taking the children outside one by one. And the third was in the truck, the thicket of the three arguing with the leader and the other two. 

A girl in my group behind me started crying, which made the fat one furious. Not good I thought, which turned out to be the case, he shot the little girl, I was shocked and so were the other children. 

He started laughing horribly and shot the leader and her two colleagues as well. Such a dirty pig, how can you shoot a child, I screamed in my mind.

The children were so scared that they didn't make a sound and went quietly with the little one. When it was my turn to go too, I looked at the little dead girl and apologised to her in my mind. I was the last one they took to the door. 

Just before the truck, I pointed to the sky at a zeppelin and shouted: "Ah!" The men followed my gaze to the sky as I took the chance as they were briefly distracted. 

I quickly took the USB stick out of my top and threw it in a direction, hoping it would land on a good person, let alone someone finding it.

Unnoticed, I managed to move back into the previous position as they also threw me into the truck. When they had finished tying us up with chains on our arms and legs together with our mouths taped shut, they erected a double wall in front of us until I heard the doors slam and we started to move. 

They erected a double wall in front of us until I heard the doors slam and we started to move. I took out the mobile phone, which unfortunately had no numbers stored on it, so I typed in some numbers hoping it was a taken number and sent a text message.

SoS! Help us Please!

It took a while, but luckily a reply came back, I wrote to the person for quite a while, trying to describe the situation as best as I could. When we suddenly stopped and I put the mobile phone back in my top. The door opened and we had to get out. 

In front of us was a forest hut where they pushed us in. Then they locked us in a room. I saw a window and looked at the surroundings, whereupon I took out my mobile phone again and described everything I saw. I got one right back.

"We know where you are, if your going somewehre else send massage!"

I answered with yes and slipped the mobile phone back into my top. I wondered now how this person had found out so quickly where we were with such information. 

I just smiled and thought, detective. I just hoped they would get here quickly before these sick bastards killed another child. That's a bitter thought with anger.

 As I sat down with the other children and prayed that this would all pass quickly. Thoughts went through my head.

I hope we get out of here safe and alive....


Chapter 4 end.

Hello there :D

I hope you like this chapter :3

Like i said before this is slowly updated...

One reason is because i'm a adult and working already.

So see you in the next chapter.

Your KuronaTetsu   <3

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