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when minho woke up to an empty bed, he immediately went to look for jisung. he saw his boyfriend staring blankly at the t.v which was quietly playing some random drama. he decided to make him hot chocolate and see what was bothering him.

"your hot chocolate, my love." minho handed the mug to jisung, sitting next to him on the couch.

"i didn't even notice you were up." jisung chuckled.

"you alright? why are you out here? it's two a.m." minho frowned.

"just a restless night." jisung sighed, leaning his head on minhos shoulder.

"you couldn't sleep?" minho looked down at him.

"nope. but it's okay, i might be able to fall asleep soon." jisung gave a gentle smile. "why are you awake?"

"i don't know. i just woke up and you weren't there." minho shrugged.

"sorry." jisung chuckled.

"no, it's okay." minho said gently. "do you want some chamomile tea instead? i'll drink the hot chocolate so it doesn't go to waste."

"yes please." jisung smiled softly, looking up at minho.

"i'll go make you some." minho pressed a kiss onto jisungs nose, getting up to make him the tea.

minho quickly returned, the cup of tea in his hands. he handed it to jisung, taking the mug of hot chocolate.

"did this steep at all?" jisung chuckled.

"i don't know how long you like to let it steep." minho gave a small smile.

"thank you." jisung smiled, pressing a kiss onto minhos cheek.

"anything for you." minho smiled sweetly. "you looked zoned out though, is everything okay?"

"i'm just...what if she comes looking for me? i'm scared she's mad at me for getting my dad arrested." jisung spoke quietly.

"she...? you're scared your mom is going to come looking for you?" minho asked softly.

"yeah...she's horrible too." jisung nodded.

"i'll protect you. no matter what, okay my love." minho said gently, placing a kiss on top of jisungs head.

"thank you." jisung whispered, smiling softly.

"anything for you." minho responded softly. "now drink up, you need sleep." he smiled.


"good morning my love." minho smiled as he flipped the pancakes.

"morning." jisung sleepily smiled. "smells good."

"tastes good too." minho smiled. "the new neighbors are moving in tomorrow, should we bake them something?"

"you didn't bake me anything when i moved in." jisung playfully scoffed.

"i was lonely and unaware i had a neighbor." minho chuckled. "but now, i don't feel alone. i can see the beauty in the world again."

"the world is fucked up." jisung laughed.

"you just gotta look at the little things." minho smiled, placing a plate in front of jisung at the table. "like getting to wake up and see you every morning. or flowers. or when the weather outside is cold but the sun peeks through to warm you up. or the moon."

"i love you." jisung giggled. "thank you for breakfast."

"of course my love. i love you." minho took a seat in front of jisung. "did you sleep well?"

"yes, thank you. did you?" jisung asked as he began cutting into his pancakes.

"i did." minho nodded. "what time do you have lectures today?"

"from noon to five." jisung sighed. "you?"

"one to four. i only have two classes today." minho responded.

"lame." jisung rolled his eyes.

"do you want to go on a date after lectures?" minho asked.

"duh." jisung said as a smile made its way to his face. "where are we going?"

"i was thinking we could go out to dinner." minho shrugged. "i know this really cute restaurant, i really want to take you."

"sounds good." jisung nodded.

"i will pick you up at five." minho smiled.


exactly at five, minho was waiting for jisung outside of his car. he had a bouquet of roses and daisies with baby breaths assorted in his hands. he smiled as jisung walked towards him, a surprised expression on his face.

"min what's this for?" jisung asked as he approached minho.

"i saw a flower shop and i knew i had to get you flowers. you deserve flowers. and these ones made me think of you." minho smiled.

"i love them, thank you." jisung wrapped his arms around minho, placing a gentle kiss onto his lips.

"keep it in your pants you're still in public." felix said from behind them.

"fuck off, you're not one to talk about keeping it in your pants in public." jisung scoffed.

"oh whatever." felix chuckled. "are you guys going on a date?"

"yes." jisung couldn't fight the smile that made its way to his face.

"okay, i'll leave you two alone now. have fun!" felix smiled as he walked away.

"i'll text you later!" jisung called after him.

"sounds good!" felix shouted back.

"let's get going now." minho chuckled.

"let's go." jisung said excitedly as minho opened his door for him.

a/n: how are you my loves? i'm doing very well :))

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