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all of jisungs friends were now gathered in jisungs apartment. they were watching movies (barely paying attention as they were all talking) and eating pizza.

"this shit is so good i wanna shake some ass." felix groaned as he took another bite.

"wait let me get my wallet. our personal stripper." jisung laughed.

"oh me too!" hyunjin got up.

"hyune...he's not actually going to shake ass." jisung sighed.

"oh." hyunjin sat back down.

"no i'm so damn close to doing it." felix shook his head. "so good changbin needs his dick sucked."

"he didn't make it though? he didn't even order it, i did." chan laughed.

"is this a normal conversation with you guys?" minho whispered to jisung.

"yeah, pretty much." jisung nodded.

"what am i getting myself into." minho mumbled.

"fun." jisung smirked.

"hey, what are you two whispering about?" changbin asked.

"how weird you guys are." jisung shrugged.

"weird? if there's one thing i am it's not weird. i get if you'd say funny, sexy, hot, a work of art, a genius, but weird? nah, doesn't fit me." felix shook his head.

"oh! i have another one. delusional." seungmin laughed.

"you're so funny let me eat your ass." felix deadpanned.

"this is why i don't talk to people." minho shook his head.

"liar, meeting me was the best night of your life." jisung smiled.

"shut up." minho rolled his eyes, placing a cigarette between his lips. he lit it, blowing the smoke in jisungs face.

jisung took the cigarette from between minhos lips, placing it between his own. he kept eye contact with minho as he took a drag, blowing it into his face.

"so...do you two want us to leave? cause you're eye fucking each other so hard right now." felix spoke up.

"silly felix." jisung shook his head, placing the cigarette back between minhos lips.

"trix are for kids!" jeongin added.

"of course you'd say that. fucking fetus." hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"i will stomp your ass." jeongin threatened.

"oooo. i'm so scared. the baby is going to stomp me." hyunjin replied, causing everyone to laugh.

"i'm a year younger than you." jeongin deadpanned.

"okay okay, i know." hyunjin giggled.

"are you actually scared of him?" felix laughed.

"you don't want to mess with him. one time he bit my neck and it left a red mark and seungmin thought that i cheated on him. i don't know if i should be more scared that jeongin bites or that seungmin thought i'd ever cheat on him." hyunjin shuddered.

"of course jeongin bites." felix laughed.

"so do you." jisung responded.

"it's true." changbin nodded.

"does he bite you randomly while you're cuddling too?" jisung asked.

"yeah. mainly my shoulder or my arms." changbin laughed.

"that must be his favorite." jisung laughed along with him.


"yeah yeah, we get it. you're gay." jisung playfully rolled his eyes.

"are you not?" minho asked.

"oh i am. very. extremely. i thought i made that obvious." jisung nodded.

"so what's your excuse? you haven't bitten me while we cuddle." minho scoffed.

"aw don't worry min. i'll bite you next time we cuddle." jisung teased.

"i don't know about you guys but i have never cuddled my neighbor." felix said as he raised his eyebrows.

"we don't have a strictly neighbors relationship!" minho groaned.

"yeah, clearly." chan chuckled.

"they're just..friends with tension." hyunjin giggled.

"lots and loootttsss of tension." seungmin nodded.

"like seriously just do everyone a favor and fuck already." felix nodded.

"well..you heard the people." jisung looked over at minho, them both bursting into laughter.

jisung took the cigarette from between minhos lips, taking a drag as everyone carried on with their conversations.

"oh fuck i need to put vaseline on my tattoo." he sat up as he remembered.

"i brought it, let me get it from my bag." minho nodded.

"tattoo?" felix asked.

"yeah, you'll see it in a minute." jisung nodded.

"you hot bitch." felix smiled, excited to see the tattoo.

"here." minho kneeled in front of jisung, gently lifting his sweater up.

jisungs heart pounded as he held the sweater up, minhos gentle hands applying the vaseline onto the tattoo. everyone gathered around to take a look, oohing and ahhing.

"that's stunning." felix said with a sad smile.

"we're proud of you, ji." hyunjin smiled.

"thanks guys." jisung smiled.

"look at our matching ones." minho smiled as he closed the vaseline, allowing jisung to pull his sweater down. they pulled their sleeves up, showing their tattoos.

"it's like your own version of the red string." felix smiled softly.

"what?" jisung asked as he softly smiled.

"i think they're right." minho nodded. "we got them as complete strangers. but i feel so comfortable around you. i have since we met. if that's not because we're soulmates then there's no logical explanation."

"yeah, soulmates." jisung nodded softly.

a/n: hello my loves! how are you doing? i got my flushot and the corp man STABBED THE FUCKING NEEDLE INTO MY ARM REALLY HARD so it hurts. and i also think i might have an ear infection so my moms calling medical tomorrow morning.

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