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han jisung stood outside of his apartment complex, tears slowly rolling down his face ass a cigarette rested between his lips. his blue hair was messily tossed thanks to the chilly october air. he reached up, taking the cigarette from between his lips as he exhaled the smoke.

he was staring lifelessly in front of him, completely zoning out his surroundings. he didn't notice the man that stood next to him, taking out his own cigarette as his back hit the brick wall behind them. he didn't notice the way he also stared lifelessly in front of himself.

he took another drag of his cigarette, feeling himself cry a little harder. he shakily exhaled, turning as he noticed the presence next to him. he looked up at the beautiful man next to him. a cold expression rested on his face, illuminated by the moonlight. his brown hair was pushed back as he smoked.

"rough day?" the pretty stranger asked, turning to look at jisung.

"yeah." jisung exhaled. "you too?"

"yeah." his head leaned back, resting against the brick wall.

the two continued smoking without another word, listening to the busy streets around them. the cold breeze hit their faces just right as they smoked their cigarettes, standing silently beside each other.

jisung wiped his tear stained cheeks, wincing in pain as his his sweater brushed across his cheek. this caught the strangers attention, causing him to look over at him.

"you okay?" he asked quietly.

"as okay as i can be." jisung sighed, bringing his cigarette back up to his lips.

"fuck this, let's go somewhere." the stranger said as he put his cigarette out, throwing it in the trash can next to him.

"where?" jisung asked. he knew it was dumb to go anywhere with a total stranger, but in all honesty, he had no regard for his safety.

"anywhere but here." he answered, looking over at jisung. "wanna go get matching tattoos or something?"

"of what?" jisung looked up, blowing his smoke in the strangers face.

"anything." he responded.

"okay." jisung shrugged, putting out his cigarette as the stranger hailed a taxi. he threw the cigarette away, standing beside the stranger.

the two got into the taxi, the stranger giving the driver the address. the ride was silent, both of the men staring lifelessly in front of them. when they arrived in front of a tattoo shop, the stranger paid the driver, getting out. he waited outside the door as jisung made his way to him.

"oh hey minho, what's up?" a woman with medium length black hair asked, walking to the front of the shop.

"hey ryujin, we want to get a matching tattoo." the stranger, now known as minho replied.

"okay, of what?" ryujin asked, walking to her station.

"surprise us." minho shrugged.

"who's going first?" ryujin asked as she began designing the tattoo.

"you can." jisung said as he looked over at minho.

"i will." minho nodded.

jisung watched as the rain began pouring down outside, smiling to himself.

"how's this?" ryujin asked, showing the design. "i would be doing it in red." it was a crescent moon, a heart around its face, tears falling from her eyes.

"i like it. what do you think?" minho asked, causing jisung to turn around.

"i love it." he nodded.

"okay, minho where do you want it?" she asked, scanning the design to print it.

"upper left forearm." he answered. "is that placing okay?" he asked as he looked over at jisung.

"yeah." jisung nodded.

"okay minho, take your sweater off and sit down." jisung couldn't look away as minho stripped himself of his sweater, taking a seat.

ryujin transferred the design onto his arm, preparing her tattoo gun and the ink. jisungs eyes lingered on minhos chest, good god he was beautiful.

"so minho, who's your friend?" ryujin asked as she started on the tattoo.

"i don't know." minho replied, causing ryujin to look between the two.

"i'm jisung." he introduced himself. "we're strangers, actually."

"you're getting matching tattoos with a stranger?" she asked, still looking between the two.

"yeah." they simultaneously replied.

"i respect it." she nodded, continuing with the tattoo.

"how much is this going to cost?" minho asked as he looked down.

"nothing, we're technically closed anyways and you're a close friend." ryujin responded.

minho nodded, watching as she continued with the tattoo. once she finished it and wrapped it, minho slipped his sweater back on, allowing jisung to sit.

while jisung took his sweater off ryujin printed the design again. she transferred it onto his arm, getting a new needle and ink ready. jisung stared lifelessly at the ceiling as she worked on the tattoo. his mind was blank as the needle just slightly pierced his skin, leaving behind the red ink.

before he knew it, ryujin was wrapping his arm, allowing him to sit up. he slipped his sweater back on, the two saying their goodbyes to ryujin.

"lets go home now." minho sighed, hailing a taxi.

the two got in, minho once again giving the driver the address. when they arrived, they walked silently to their apartments.

it turns out, they were neighbors. they would have known this if they even cared to talk to other people. they said their goodbyes, entering their apartments.

jisung sighed as he flopped down onto his bed, listening to the sound of the rain hitting his windows.

a/n: welcome to my new book! i hope you enjoy, i love you guys <3

this is their tattoo by the way

this is their tattoo by the way

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