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After years of dealing with school and the idiots that attended there, I understood why a lot of people hated humanity.

I mean they literally do things just to see how ignorant they can be or how much damage they can cause not only to their person but to property as well.

And let's not forget how shitty you will be treated if you're not in their clique. they think if you're not in some clique mainly theirs you aren't shit. like for instance the prom committee dipshits. they think they are high and mighty cause they come up with prom themes and location and all that. 

then there are the crappy cheerleaders who have their own goals of seeing which member can be the skankiest and bed the most jocks.

the Jocks are tiny pea-brain idiots who do the stupidest shit and think it's funny. 

its people like these morons that make other people lose hope for all mankind and all of humanity. cause one of these days these fuck heads will be congress or president and then there goes the universe as we know it.

this week is the week of prom and since its my first and last Rosa and Alice decided they was gonna take me dress shopping get me girlie up for one little measly night.

my refusals went out the window after the first few rounds. then I reluctantly agreed so that id is able to get it all done and over with.

We were sitting at the lunch table talking about everything when no brain Jessica walked over.

"I hope you're not planning to run for prom queen cause you'd never make it" she says

"jokes on you dipshit you're not gonna make it either. and even if I did run I'd have way more votes then you. why cause no one likes you. now turn your empty skull around and fuck off" I tell her

 she scuffed at me before doing what I told her.

"I swear these people are stupid. they think their words and insults will hurt me. when I've dealt with way much better class of people than these dipshits" I say to Rose and Alice

After school, we headed to Port Angeles to do some dress shopping or more so Rose and Alice would pick dresses shove them in my arms, and push me towards a dressing room to try them on. or if I was in the dressing room they would toss the dress over the door.

After I had tried on hundreses of dresses they picked the one they liked most purchased it and we headed back home since apparently they already had their dresses.

I sat next to Jas. 

"wanna put me outta my misery?" I asked

"Nah. I like you too much to do that" he replied while smiling.

"I can't take wearing dresses anymore after today" I commented,

"they had you try on countless dresses huh?" Em asked

"it was way past a hundred" I replied

he laughed while Rose and Alice rolled their eyes.

Eddy boy walked in with fuckhead Swan and Alice started talking a mile a minute to her about how they are gonna do her hair and everything for prom. when Isabella tried to lie her way out of it Alice told her plainly she knew blood bag was gonna be there since she saw it already.

"childerned one of the kings are gonna be coming tomorrow so  try and be on your best behavior" Esem says

"what time? and when are they leaving?" Rose asked

"Rosalie" Esme scolded her

"what. Tess is coming over to get ready for prom and I don't want to have a blood thirsty king trying to harm her while she is getting ready" Rose says

"I am not sure how long they will stay or when they will arrive" Esme says

"lets hope we arent here when they come" Rose says

"just be on your best behavior" Esme tells everyone.

"no promises" I tell her with a smile

 she smiled back at me knowing just how I am.

After that Esme walked back outta the room and I wished everyone good night before I went to leave.

"actually you could stay here that way you'd just have to go to school then come back and not deal with the trouble of driving all the way home then all the way back her after school" Rosa says

"alright" I say going back to sit down.

I spent the rest of my time playing video games with Em and Jas before Esme made me and blood bag some food then I went and got cleaned up and crashed out in the guest room they had.

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