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"no offense Caius. but your eyes are ruby red it freak those who had a brain out." I tell him

"I can put in contacts" he says

"why not just come out and ask if you can take me to prom?"I asked

"alright. may I take you to prom il mio amore?" he asked

"if you can find contacts to change those ruby red eyes and promise not to drain any idoits or humans ddry than yes. if not than no" I tell him

He nodded his head and looked towards Carlisle.

"we have some" Carlisle says then rushed off

"are you planning to where your cloak?" I asked

"no" he says

"where will you put it?" I asked

"the guard with me will hold it till I get back" he says before we removed it and handed it to said guard that I didn't know was there.

after Carlisle came back he handed the contacts to Cauis and after excusing himself he went to put the contacts in. 

When he came back I was stunned. what ever color contacts Carlisle gave him turned his ruby eyes blue.

"ready il mio amore?" he asked

"ready to get it all over with and hopefully never do it again." I replied

he offered me his hand and we walked out the door.

the whole time we were at prom the Cullens were a little on the edge as if they couldn't fully relax and Belal well lshe was being an idiot like always. I had a feeling Caius was gonna lay into the Cullens over Isabella being the second human to know the secret.

"come lets take a walk il mio amore" he says

"sure" I replied before taking his hand and following him out to the little gazbo. we took a seat and he kept hold of my hand.

"I want to explain something to you" he says

"alright" I say

"have the Cullens told you about mates?" he asked

"yea." I replied

"well then this should be easy to tell you" he says

"take your time" I say to him

"were mates you and I. which means that you are the queen of the vampires." he says

"is there more than one?" I asked

"yes. my two brothers have a wife." he says

"so it will be three kings and three queens?" I asked

"correct" he says

"okay continue" I say

"with you being my mate and the queen of my people that means you'll have to move to Italy to live in the castle where you will be heavily protected. and locked in a tower" he says

I moved my hand from his.

"excuse me?" I asked

"what?" he asked

"I'm not some defensly human or so prisoner" I tell him

"never implied that you was" he says

"but you want to treat me as such by locking me away in a tower" I say

"its for your safety" he says

"says who?"  I asked

"its how things have been" he replied

"I will not live my life locked up in a tower being visited by you or anyone else when the notion hits or the urge strikes. I don't deserve nor will I allow you to treat me as such." I say

"its how Dideymay and Sulpicia live" he says

"I'm not them and I wont be treated like them." I tell him before I gather up my dress and walk off.

"Wait il mio amore" he says

"no I'm not your love. and if you think I'll allow you to "whisk" me away and lock me in a tower as if I'm some prisoner or something you are sadly mistaken." I tell him

"how can I protect you then?" he asked

"you are a smart man having been around for plenty of centuries I'm sure you'll think of something." I tell him

"it wouldn't be right that you get treated differently then my sister in laws" he says

"its not my fault they allow your brothers to look them up like prisoners. nor will I allow yo to try and guilt me into being locked away." I say

I walked off leaving not caring about anything or anyone I was pissed off that he honestly thought I'd be ok with that.

After I changed outta my dress and cleaned my face free of the makeup then removed the endless amounts of bobby pins and other things Rosa put in my hair I went and washed the hairspray out then dried it and climbed into bed.

I was still fuming at that whole conversation between Caius and I.


il mio amore- my love

His human mate ( completed)Where stories live. Discover now