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When Caius left it seemed like time decided to slowly tick by. I had finished with school and graduated then I had dealt with everything that I was needing to deal with so when or if Caius comes back. I won't have much to do before leaving with him. that is if he had gotten the whole locked outta the tower thing outta his mind.

With the free time that I now had, I'd been missing Caius and trying to not drive myself crazy counting down the days till he is back.

At the moment I'm with Rose in the Cullens' livingroom.


I looked over at who said my name

"yeah?" I asked

"Caius isn't coming back" Carlisle says

I shook my head.

"I'm a damn idiot I swear." I say before I go into a long complete rant as I paced the floors and practically tugged at my hair.

"if you hear from him tell him to keep his ass in Italy he's not welcome around me." I say

I went to walk out the door only for some big dude and a average height dude to be blocking me.

"Carlisle you have company" I say 

When I went to move around them the kept me blocked.

"I'm not a cullen so if you two would spread apart and allow me to leave that would be grand" I say

"no can do master Caius told us to come here for you," the average-height one says

"oh really. and do tell me why he couldn't come himself as he told me he would?" I asked

"ignorant vampires created newborns too close to the border so he and the other masters had to go and handle it" the tall one says

"so you too are gonna be my bodyguards all the way to Italy?" I asked

"Yes ma'am it's what master Caius ordered,"  the average height one says

I sighed.

"come on in Felix and Demetri," Esme says

I stepped back and they both walked in.

I headed up the stairs back to where I was.

"These two gentlemen are to escort you back," Carlisle says

"Well this outta be fun," I commented before I walked around and hugged everyone that was there before I waved goodbye telling them to be safe, and try not to let idiots one and two get them into too much trouble.

Felix and Demetri followed me to my car.

 "don't tell me you all ran here," I say

"no ma'am we came in that car," Felix says pointing to a dark-tinted windowed SUV.

"well follow me to my place so I can get what I am taking then we can go," I tell them

they both nod before going to climb into the car and leave.

I honestly hope that Caius isn't thinking he's putting me in a tower like his sister-in-laws. cause then I'll come right back to Forks and he can kiss my human ass.

after I loaded everything I was to take with me up and locked the house up I dropped the keys off in the little mail slot where I had told the new owner it would be. then I drive off following Felix and Demetri to the airport in Seattle.

my car was able to be flown out with us in the same plane since the jet had a car carrier for their cars that they would bring.

it took roughly nine hours for us to go from Washington to Rome. half of that I slept the other half I used it to get to know the two that were taking me to Caius. 

Once we landed I noticed that Demetri and Felix stayed put so I unloaded the cars and opened the back door to the tinted SUV before grabbing an umbrella and headed off inside the plane. I grabbed their hoods and put it on other heads before telling them to put their hands in their pockets.

very carefully we all walked off the plane. I had the umbrella at an angle where no sun could touch them. once they were in the SUV and their hoods down I closed the door and walked to my car.

I managed to hook my car to the SUV before I rushed to the driver's side hopped in and followed the directions that Felix gave me.

"go around the back there is a garage," Demetrie says

 so doing as he says I drove the cars around back and pulled right into the parking garage before I parked and opened the doors rushing them to the castle entry before I unhooked my car fro their Suv and got their car parked before I put my car in a parking spot then carried m things towards the door before I locked both cars up and went over to where they were.

"sorry we couldn't help," Demetri says

"it's no problem. I am very capable of doing that while you two stay out of the sun and not break a rule that's possibly the major one when it comes to Volturi" I say

They both nodded their heads before picking something of mine up and walked further into the castle.

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