#1 Harry

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I had just made our bed from the events of the night. My hair was up in a messy bun and all I wore was one of  Harry's, my boyfriend, big, long-sleeved shirts. I admired my work, when two big hands wrapped themselves around my waist.

"Hey baby," Harry cooed in my ear and nuzzled his nose in the side of my neck. I made a half-sound and closed my eyes, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" He stated and stared deep into my eyes and I sighed.

"It's nothing." I pulled the sleeve further down, and hoped that Harry didn't notice. That hope was destroyed when he gripped my wrist and pulled up the sleeve. His eyes widened when he saw the bright red scars, and he let his fingertips touch them. I winced, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Harry..." He dumped down at the bed. "I promise you.. You have nothing to do with it. It's not your fault." I said and sat down beside him. He put his head in his hands. I let my hands run through his curls and he wrapped me into his chest.

"Then.. Why??" He murmured into my hair. "Y/N! Please tell me!" He said, when I didn't answer. His voice was hurt and it shook slightly. I took a deep breath. 

"My brother commited suicide the week before we met at the meets and greets. My parents blamed me for it, I went into a depression and Y/BF/N got us the tickets to take my mind off of it. After a while, I began to believe I actually was the reason for my brother's death, and I began to cut. I tried to stop, after we met, but it was already an addiction." I whispered, barely audible, with tears streaming down my cheeks. Harry cupped my face and wiped away the tears.

"Y/N..." He whispered back. He kissed me softly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was afraid you would leave me, because of my luggage..." I admitted silently. He let out a soft chuckle, and I looked surprised up at him.

"Y/N! I would never leave, not for anything in the world!" He smiled and kissed the edge of my lips. He became dead serious and looked me in the eyes. "But please stop, for me?" He pleaded.

"I'll try, but I'll need help" I kissed him softly and he responded immediately by pulling me up on his lap and lay down. He let his tongue run over my lower lip, and I granted him access. Just when the kiss got relly heated, I pulled away.

"Y/N!" He groaned and opened an eye to look at me. "Why'd you do that?! It just got fun, you partypooper!" He pouted, and it made me laugh.

"I just made the bed, and you wouldn't dare to mess it up" I kissed his pout and it turned into a cheeky smirk. "Whatever you are planning, the answer is no, Harry."

He laughed. "Sorry Kitten, you have no choice, but to join me in the shower. It is lonely without you there." He got up and lifted you over his shoulder. You didn't fight back, because you realized it was hopeless and giggled as you walked towards the bathroom.

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