"Kitten" Someone whispered in my ear. "You have to wake up, we have to leave" I groaned and rolled over in my warm, comfortable bed.
"But it's like 3am or something" I groan.
"Y/N, we're gonna be late for the plane" My eyes fluttered open and I was met with Harry's big green eyes.
"Fine, I'm up" I groan and leaves the warm bed behind. I walk into the bathroom and turns on the shower. I wash myself and jump out to dry off. I blowdry my hair and do my makeup as fast as I could, and got dressed.
"Breakfast?" Harry smiled when I walked into the kitchen. He handed me a plastic bowl with some fruit and berries and a plastic cup of blueberry juice.
"Thank you" I said grateful and we ate in silence.
"When does the taxi come?" I ask after a while.
"Soon" He checked the clock on the wall. "10 minutes, actually" He smiles, and I return it.
"Where exactly are we going for this honeymoon?" I smirk and he shakes his head.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out" That bastard! I smile for myself and throw away the bowl and cup.
Me and Harry married a month ago, and we couldn't be happier than we are right now. We're going on a romantic honeymoon, to a place unknown to me, just the two of us.
"Y/N, The taxi is here" Harry says from the enterance and I stand up from the chair in the kitchen. I take a quick round to see if everything is as it's supposed to be, before I walk out in the enterance and gets dressed. I walk out to the taxi and we're off to the airport.
"You have to wear this until we get on the plane" Harry turns to me and holds up a blindfold.
"Wouldn't that be weird when we board the plane?" I look confused at him.
"Nope, 'cause we're having a private plane" He smirked and ties the blindfold around my eyes.
"What about my luggage?"
"I have someone on that already, just relax, kitten" He kisses my cheek and helps me out of the car. It's a bit chilly out, and I could feel tiny raindrops fall across my face.
"I'm going to pick you up, kitten" He warned and swept me up in bridal style. I squeaked and wrapped my arms around his neck.
Suddenly, it felt like we were going upwards, adn we were probably entering the plane now. Harry placed me down in a soft chair, and I leaned back.
"Can I take off the blindfold now?"
"Just hold on a little bit" He did something I obliviously couldn't see, and then the blindfold disappeared. The lights were really bright and overwhelming at first, but my eyes got used to it after a bit.
"You can sleep now, baby" Harrys raspy voice cooed in my ear and I leaned my head on his shoulder and fell asleep instantly.
* * * * * * * * * *
"Kitty, wakey wakey" Kisses were placed on my cheeks, forehead and nose, and my eyes fluttered open.
"Are we there?" I croaked and straightened up in the chair.
"Yeah, we've been here for the last 15 minutes" He smiled down at me.
"Oh okay" I murmur and pick up my bag from the ground. "Ready to leave?" I ask Harry.
He just smirks at me and holds up the blindfold. I roll my eyes, but let him tie the blindfold around my head again. He picks me up and carries me out to a car, and we drive for a while, before the car stops. Harry helps me out of the car and carries me inside, something that's probably an elevator.
"Can I take the blindfold off now?" I ask and the blindfold disappears. We walk straight to the room. Everything is black, no light comes into the room.
"What is all this about?" I ask curiosly, and look around the room. It's quite big and spacey, with a private kitchen, big bathroom and a huge bed. I notive our luggage is already here.
"Just a part of the surprise" He checks his wristwatch. "We have about an hour and a half until the dinner reservation."
"Okay, I'll just freshen up a bit" I kiss him lightly on the lips before I walk into the big bathroom. I take a quick shower, and redo my makeup for a little bit more formal look, and I wrap a towel around my body. The bathroom door creaks open and I look out. Harry's asleep on the bed, and I can see my suitcase across the room. I run silently over to it and opens it, careful not to wake Harry.
"Kitten, what are you doing?" Harry purrs in my ear, his hands on my waist.
"Shit Harry! You scared me" I place my hand over my chest to calm my breathing, and continue to search the suitcase with the other.
"Sorry, baby" He continues to purr. "What are you looking for?" His hands are roaming my sides.
"Underwear and a dress for dinner" I smile and fish up a black lace underwear set.
"You still have fifteen minutes, kitten"
"Just enough time, baby" I kiss him lightly and bite his lower lip. I pick up the underwear, a strapless mintgreen dress with a white flower in the belt and white high heeled shoes to go with it. I walk into the bathroom and change into my outfit. I decide to just put som argan oil in my hair and keep it down.
"Ready to go, kitten?" Harry knocks on the door and I walk out. By the time I was finished changing, he'd done the same. He had dressed up in a perfect black suit and a mintgreen tie to match my dress.
"Yup" I walk over to him and kiss his cheek.
"Wow... You look amazing" He breathes and I giggle.
"Thank you and you look pretty handsome yourself" I smile and we walk out. We jump into a taxi and he drives us to the restaurant, with a beautiful view over the city.
"We're in Paris?!" I squeal when I see the Eiffel Tower from the restaurant. It's glowing up the city and it's just beautiful.
"Yup, and we're going to be here for a full week" Harry smirks and pulls out the chair for me. I sit down and he sits down across the table.
"I love you Harry" I smile, eventhough Love wasn't strong enough.
"I love you Y/N" He smiles back. "More than you can ever imagine"

One Direction Imagines
FanfictionHeyy, Beautiful Fairies!! I'm Sara and I'll update on the imagines here, whenever I can. You can come with requests to us and we'll write them to you. Just mention boy, theme (romantic, sweet etc), place and setting (time) and you'll get an imagine...