Liam Imagine

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24. Monthly Problems

I woke up in the middlle of the night with a terrible ache in my lower back. I stood up and stumbled out in the bathroom, when a cramp washed over me. I doubled over, just in time to give my dinner to the toilet. 

Two hands suddenly pulled my hair out of my face. "You okay babygirl?" A worried Liam asked me, as I brushed my teeth again. 

"Yeah, just the regular thing, no biggie.." I sighed and took his hand, dragging him back to the bed, where we snuggled up to each other. 

*Next Morning*

My eyes fluttered open and smiled when I saw Liam's angelic face beside me. His hand held me protectively around my waist. A cramp washed over me and I groaned. 

"You okay?" Without opening his eyes, he found the most hurting place and massaged it. I closed my eyes and let him do it, moaning in pleasure. Liam's chest vibrated as he chuckled at my response and I slapped his arm playfully, but a smirk played on my lips too. 

After about ten minutes, he got up. 

"Where are you going?" I pouted and tried to pop myself up at my elbow, but a cramp stopped me halfway and I doubled over in pain. He ran a hand soothingly over my forehead before he kissed it softly. 

"To make some breakfast, tea and just run around the corner to rent a movie and buy some ice cream" He whispered against my forehead. "Now you stay here and just rest until I come back, okay?" He asked and I nodded, before I pulled him in to a little peck. 

"Thanks! You're the best" I looked up at him before kissing his cheek. "Now off you go!" I snuggled back down in the bed. 

"Sure baby" He chuckled and walked out. 

He came back about half an hour later, with Love Actually, Titanic, The Notebook, She's the Man, The Proposal and two cans of caramel ice cream on a tray with toasts and tea. 

"Thanks Liam" I said gratefully as he put the tray down infront of me. 

"Anything for my babygirl" He kissed my cheek before he put The Proposal in the player and came back to bed. I snacked on a toast as the movie played. Liam would sometimes steal a bite, but it didn't bother me, I just shook my head and kissed his jawbone. His arm hang loosely around my shoulders and I was snuggled in the crook of his arms. 

This is truly the best part of periods <3

Heyy Fairies. 

I haven't been updating in a while because it's been busy with school the last week. We have a summer show set up next tuesday and we haven't come far! -.-' 

This imagine is kinda crappy because I didn't have time to plan this one, but I felt a bit bad for not updating in a while.. I'll rewrite it later, if I feel bad about it.. But yeah.. Hope you enjoyed! <2

Live Love Laugh <3


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