The fight 👾

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3rd person P.O.V 

When you and Thunder fought the rhino looking kaiju you felt a bit worried for yourself since you didn't know how any of your,Attacks or weapons worked so you were struggling.unlike you Thunder was basically Acting like it was a bean a small  You-can-step-on Bean . "Alright let's try this " you whispered to yourself as you Activated your Laser-Mouth Attack and aimed for the side of it head, but sadly it only made the kaiju stumble to the right ,Suddenly Thunder threw a million missiles at the monster but once again didn't do anything. "Thunder,(Y/N) Are you both ok can you take him down?" You suddenly heard shiny interrupt " of course Thunder and (Y/N) can take him, (Y/N) Can take down a million of kaiju Cus of her Nice looks-I mean nice Attacks and Thunder is the raddest, Most impressivist Robot I've ever seen! He's basically the shi-" Alex knew what he was about to say next so she interrupted him "Shiny!" Shiny literally lowered his head down " Wh..What?what? I wasn't going to say it. "Shiz." I was gonna say shiz. " he said but he fooled nobody with his change of words "Kaiju's getting to close to the Civilians." Colonel Creed said "okay , new plan (Y/N) , Thunder  I want you both to blast open a trench and hit it with 700 Kilohertz At 10,000 Joules from your Volt-o-tronic Violator." Alex directed to you and Thunder as you both understood her orders. "Rodrigo that Alex!" You reassured her as you and Thunder got in position to make a hologram of you both "Attention, Earth menace!" Thunder called out . The kaiju changed route from the building to the hologram's. As it got closer. You squished your eyes closed hoping it would work.but unfortunately just when it got close to the hologram it dodged it and went to another route "Well that was...suboptimal." Thunder said in confusion until he realized that the kaiju was heading for both of you. You moved out of the way as soon as it reached the building and watched as it crashed into Thunder , you were going to help him get up until the building fell on top of him. "Hang on, (Y/N) and baby bro. I'm coming!"  Shiny said as he ran over to the kaiju, you noticed him wink at you before he did a flip and ended on top of the kaiju witch made you freeze in place and feel extremely warm inside like if you were overheated. "Shiny, Cease your interference immediately. This is not your mission." But something made you say something else instead of agreeing with Thunder "HECK YEAH SHINY! RIDE THAT THING LIKE IN A RODEO!" you yelled witch made Thunder stare  at you weirdly . "Hee-Yaw! Is that sound only for riding horses? What's the sound your supposed to name when riding a Rhino-Kaiju" you shrugged knowing that it's pronounced yee-haw . "Oh no." Captain creed said "oh yes!" Alex said cheering " never mind that shiny just steer the kaiju into the pit" shiny followed her orders but unfortunately wasn't doing so good with steering it " this is highly unadvisable as shiny is untrained. Shiny, stand back!" But shiny did not listen he remained on the kaiju until it threw him off "He-yaw!" He yelled out as he fell on the floor "shiny behind you!" Alex yelled. When shiny yelled the kaiju was approaching him until it started jumping on him shiny seemed to black out for a second until he found himself in space facing Alex's parents "the resistance needs him." A women female voice said "it's almost time." A man said. "He'll know what to do."  The female indicated " you have a gut instinct " the man know as 'dr. Rose' said "gut stands for Genius unsurpassed Technology." Dr rose said (it's Alex's mom if you got confused)  "man, that's a lot of stuff to remember." But then the parents said "you will" tried pushing the kaiju off of shiny with your (weapon) but it's tail slammed your face and made you fall backwards that's when shiny woke up and threw a laser that came out of his stomach witch made the kaiju fall on his back. "Woah!" Everyone said "exclamatory remark,'woah.' " said Thunder "Dang!" You said as you watched the kaiju try to get up "Exposed soft underbelly!" Someone screamed "Thunder, (Y/N), there's an and exposed soft underbelly!" Said Alex " Shiny stand back!" Thunder said as the both of you flew into the sky and got ready to attack. Then the kaiju exploded and some of its goo went onto Shiny "great job Guys! I set it up, and you guys knock it- -"  said shiny  as he raised both his hands for you and Thunder to high five , you high five'd his hand but Thunder denied it "down." Said shiny finishing his sentence. " that was not a great job your purpose on this missions is to evacuate the citizens and observe only " Thunder kept going as shiny looked at his hand moving to explain what he was saying "not to engage with kaijus, which is clearly my mission ." Said Thunder annoyed "I know but I just when with it. Cmon you can admit how awesome that was, right?" You stayed there  next to shiny as he tried to get out "uh I need a little help here" shiny asked you but you playfully smirked and pretended you did not see him. "Cmon (Y/N) help me out!" He said still trying to get out until you decided to help him out when he managed to help him out your finger was suddenly playing with your metallic H/C hair. 

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