No escape

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(Y/N) P.O.V

I woke up groaning in a strange place. As I stood up I realized I was not in the EDF, this place looked strangely unfamiliar and weird. I saw a medium window i peeked through it and gasped "WHAT THE- WERE AM I?! IS THIS SPACE?!" I tried breaking the window but saw that it would not work since the window was much stronger. Suddenly I felt a pain in my neck. "I would not try that if I were you..." I heard a dark voice say. I twisted my head to see that it was and ugly lookin' bug alien "As you can see I'm the commander of this ship... I put a collar on your neck to make you not want to try anything... you  remember that blast? And that knock-out?" He said as he chuckled menacingly "W-what?" I  reached my neck and realized there was a collar " you.... YOU!!!" I went in to grab the commander and smash him to bits but just then collapsed in the ground and started whimpering in pain because of my collar "HAHA DIDNT YOU HEAR ME?! TRY ANYTHING AND YOULL BE DEAD! HAHAHA." with that he left and i could see a purple door close and lock ... I was trapped... with... no escape....

3 weeks later 

Shiny P.O.V 

It's been 3 weeks since (Y/N)...we'll ... disappeared ... all her connections on where she was are lost... she hasn't shown up in a long time after ... that night... and well it hasn't been the same without her... 


"(Y/N) can we talk?...(Y/N)!?" I searched everywhere for (Y/N) outside and inside! But when I could not find her everyone started panicking. Even Thunder! Which is something you don't see everyday! "WHERE IS SHE!? WHY CANT WE FIND HER?! DAMN IT!" i yelled in anger and sadness "Shiny calm down... we will find her... there is a 99% chance we could find her ... the 1% percent ... is ...well ..." I looked at Thunder in confusion "IS WHAT THUNDER!? IS WHAT!?" I tried to say it calmly but I was so depressed and in Anger that I could just yell "that the aliens ... could've killed ... or taken her ... apart ." When I heard that i could not say anything "I'm sorry-" 


"YOU ARE SO SMART HUH!?" i said it as got maddened and angered but soon enough something that calmed me down happened "Shiny ... I'm sorry .... But there is no other way to calm you..." when he said that he hacked me and I soon  fell into deep sleep  

All I could think about was (Y/N) and the moment we met, the warmth of her hand, her eyes, and her metallic hair swirling as she fought fiercely with the kaiju ... and the last moment we saw each-other and how her voice was so angelic... and how she said that she actually ....

Loved me...

(490 words)

Super giant robot brothers:{shiny x reader} ROBOTICALLY ROMANTICWhere stories live. Discover now