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As much as I wanted to take Lola in that car, we made it to our destination before we could take anything off. "I'm so frustrated right now," Lola hissed while we walked around the mall. "But we get to see each other in the lingerie we bought tonight," I hummed.

She looked back at me and gave me her widest smile. "I love the way you think," she giggled. She went to kiss me, but someone squealing our name made us pull away. "O-M-G! Lola and Moni?" Someone gasped while rushing up to us.

"Can I get a picture?" She asked, holding her phone. "Sure," Lola agreed then pulled me to her while grabbing her phone. "Moni, smile," she whispered through her teeth.

I smiled and watched her take like five photos. "Thank you," she giggled then started rambling how she watches all of our videos. I glanced to Lola, almost forgetting that we're basically famous.

"Awn, that's so sweet and you just wait until our next video. Which we have to get started on," Lola trailed off while grabbing our bags with one hand. I quickly grabbed some and nodded for us to leave.

"Oh, then don't let me stop you. I always wait for an update," she waved then left us. "Let's head back to the mansion," Lola whispered in my ear. I couldn't agree more, so I grabbed her free hand and pulled her out the store before she see's something she like.

. . .

When we made it back to the mansion, we immediately went to our room. I lifted my head, smelling that familiar dog smell. "Pablo?" I called, immediately hearing him bark from the bathroom.

I gasped and ran in there, seeing him receiving a bath from one of the servants. "Pablo!" I squealed, picking him up out of the water. His tail wagged around, splashing water everywhere. "Pablo?" Lola questioned, making his whole bottom wag.

Lola came in and immediately started talking to him like a baby. "Hey, baby boy," she cooed while scratching behind his ear. "Alright, you can finish cleaning him up. Bring him to our office when you're done," I laughed, happy to see my baby.

"Yes, Council," the servant replied as I put him back.

I left out and went to the office and checked to see if Mr. Fix sent the copy of the contract through our email. When I saw the photo, I printed it out and placed it in the files. A knock at the door made me get up and answer it. "Hey, Aurelia. How are you?" I asked, inviting her in and took a seat behind the desk.

"I feel so much better, actually," she answered. I smiled and tapped the desk. "I told you that I was going to make sure you are treated like a princess," I hummed. "Yeah, I know and I-" she started, only for a knock at the door to interrupt her.

I squint my eyes, knowing that's a human. "I got it," she snickered then got up. I followed her to the door, but Lola was already there. "This is the address for the blood bank?" The delivery man asked.

"Yeah, we have it under here. This is our office building. You can leave them in here and I'll have some workers take it downstairs in our bank," Lola smoothly lied while opening the door wider. She signed the paper and made her way over to me.

"I thought you had the meeting today?" Aurelia asked as the workers all came in and saw the loads of blood being placed in here. "Alright, there should be more trucks on the way," the delivery guy said before closing the door.

I went to the basement door and opened it. "I guess I will contact everyone that we have food again," I smiled, closing my eyes and took a deep breath. "How did you get this to happen so quickly?" Aurelia asked as Lola directed the servants where to place everything.

Once I informed people that there is more blood here, they quickly started to come to our mansion. So many that we had to keep the door open for them to freely enter and go to the basement.

The Councils: Dead and FamousWhere stories live. Discover now