Chp 5.

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Kate POV.

We kept eating, as our parents told jokes, and laughed. I stayed quite, every now and then they'd ask me questions which I'd nervously respond.

Until they asked me this question which made too nervous....

Mrs.Dolan- So sweety, Katherine do you have a boyfriend?

I almost chocked on my ravioli.
I clear my throat.

Kate- No mam, I'm um. Just focusing on school.

I look at Ethan and he was concentrated on his food, or so I thought until his gaze met mine, he blushes and quickly looks away. I needed and wanted to know what happened in that bathroom.

I mean I thought he hated me? He would always give me these death glares, and hit me, or embaress me in public. Why would he lean in! I kept repeating the scene over and over in my head. It just couldn't stop! It was going to be my first kiss...

Everyone seemed clueless, it was only Ethan and me who were making it obvious something happened.

Mrs.Dolan- Did you like it Katherine?

Kate- Like what?

I ask dumbfounded, Ethan and Grayson silently laugh. My face begins to heat up. But then Ethan seems to be blushing hardcore.

Mrs.Dolan- The ravioli sweety? Did you like it?

Kate- Oh yeah... I mean yeah! It was delicious! Can I have some more?

Grayson- fat ass.

I hear Grayson silently say, but loud enough for me to hear. I look down in disappointment, was I a fat ass?

Everyone chuckles, not at what Grayson said though, something else they said.

Kate- Um excuse me, I'm going to the restroom.

I say quickly getting up holding in the tears.

No one even seemed to notice I left the dining table, but Ethan. He did.

After a bit of crying, I stepped out and realized we were already saying our goodbyes.

I hug and then kiss Mrs.Dolan on the cheek, then I shake Mr.Dolans hand. Then was Grayson, I just gave him a quick nod, and last was Ethan.

I looked at his eyes, and he met mine. I blush, and extend my hand, he let's his out of his pockets, and holds mine, he quickly pulls his hand back.

Kate- Goodbye Ethan.

Ethan- Goodnight Kate.

I blush at the way he said my name, he said my name softer, kinder, gentle. Not through gritted teeth, or with anger, but different. Goodnight, not goodbye.

I quickly make my way out, and head to the car, seeing everyone wave except Grayson and Ethan, I didn't see Cameron, she must've been out with some friends.

I shrug to myself, and sigh.

5 minutes later,

I run upstairs screaming a goodnight to my parents.

I slam my back onto the bed landing on my pillows, I stare at the ceiling while I had my music at total volume. Listening to Diana by One Direction.

I sang to their lyrics, and I just kept repeating the scene over and over, and over. What would have happened if we actually kissed? Would he begin to be kinder to me? Or would he be the same. Or, or, was the only thing I could say, why, because I couldn't keep my hopes up, why, because we didn't kiss, it was just a moment, right?

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