Chp 21.

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Kate POV.

He was staring into my eyes, I was completely still none of us were moving,

Cameron- HEY GU- Oh...Sorry am I um interrupting something?

I quickly get back into a normal position.

Kate- No.

I say looking down feel embarrassed.

Grayson- Right. Well um I gotta run, I'll see you guys later. Can you do the rest of the brownies Cameron?

She nods, and he gives us both a nod and a smile, he makes his way outside, as I sigh, and rub my temple.

Cameron- Kate I really need to talk to you.

Shit, she's gonna think I wanna play them or something, she already saw me with Ethan now she's gonna think I want Grayson!

Kate- Oh, a-alright.

Cameron- Mind helping me?

I nod, and help her mix the brownie mix.
With a wooden spoon,
(Ethan's favorite kitchen utensil)

She began to clean up a little, as she finally spoke,

Cameron- Look Kate, I love both of my brothers, they're my everything. But you're my friend, and as my friend I care about you.

I could feel my heart race, no one has ever said that, and that just made me want to go into tears, but I held them in.

Cameron- Ethan and Grayson are some trouble makers, they like girls. That's what they mostly care about, they act all cool and bully people because they think that makes them look 'cool', does air quotes, But we all know that something only an idiot would think. Any ways my point is, you're not the only girl they're going to stick with.
Grayson, he's a flirt he gets with as many girls as he can, while Ethan he's a flirt too, but has a girlfriend.

And right there, in that moment, my heart broke into as million pieces, I could feel myself tear up. I quickly wipe away a tear.

Cameron steps closer to me holding me in an embrace,

Cameron- Please Kate, don't fall for them, they'll just hurt you. There is so many better people out there. And yes maybe I'm an ass and I should be on their side instead of yours but, you know. Its never good to pick sides, always just, go with what's right.

I nod, and I lay my head on her shoulder, I bite my lip hard, holding in the tears, I felt like I was going to sob any second.

I can't let her see me break down, I'll look so dumb crying for two boys who just aren't worth it.

Kate- I-I need some air, I'll be back.

She nods, and gives me one last hug before I make my way outside, feeling the cold evening air hit my face.

I took in a deep breath, but halfway through it I broke down into tears. I didn't want to cry, I couldn't understand why I was crying over something so stupid. But I realize I've been crying all my life because of them. Its always been like this, and I realized it'll always be like this.

tears, tears, tears.

Maybe it was just a small part of hope in my heart that I thought, maybe they've changed, but gawd was I wrong. Everything that Cameron told me was true.
Ethan maybe does have a girlfriend, while Grayson is just a fuckboy.

I kept sobbing until out of no where I feel someone tap my shoulder, I look up and realize its a girl, maybe around my age, two or one year older than me.

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