Chp 33.

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[A/N] lol sorry ignore Jake in back. I love him tho, but center of attention in that photo is my bby Grayson. #sorrynotsorry
Kate POV.

We were now in the ball, everyone greeted my kidnapper so nicely. Everyone so elegant, everyone rich. Good looks surrounded me.

The place we were in was a mansion.
It was beautiful.

We took our seat, and my kidnapper gives me a smile, with a blush.

Waiter- What would you like today
Mr. Benjamin? Wine I'm sure?

Woah, elegant last name.

Cute guy- Yes, we'll have the, Chateau Margaux.

Waiter- Of course Mr. Benjamin coming right up.

I wonder what's his real name, I groan in frustration.

Kate- I don't even know you're name.

Host- Please ladies and gentlemen, put your mask's on, the ball has begun!

He puts in his mask,

He stands up totally ignoring what I just said. What surprised me was that he held his hand out to me, with a mask on the other matching my outfit.

Cute guy- Can I have this dance?

I gulp, and all I could see were now his shining green eyes, I sigh and grab the mask, putting it on and hold his hand to the dance floor.

Everyone gets in a dancing position, as the song, "Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele begins to play.

My kidnapper suddenly pulls me close to him, as I feel his hot breath on my neck,

This all reminds me of Grayson, I miss Ethan too.
Grayson POV.

As Ethan and me walked in, we noticed everyone was beginning to make their way to the dance floor, I look at Ethan who has a smirk on his face, I smirk at him, and we both put on our masks,

Ethan- This is a switch partner dance, I remember from dance class.

Grayson- Alright, there is a 50% chance we might get Katherine as our partner.

Ethan- Alright if any of us get her, then we know the plan.

I nod, as we make our way to the dance floor, two girls almost on the spot ask us to dance with them. We agree.

The song, "Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele begins.
Ethan POV.

I look around desperately for Katherine, as everyone begins to dance the same dance.

I give the girl a small twirl just like everybody else did, I need to find Katherine.
Kate POV.

My kidnapper/cute guy, is apparently very good at ball dancing, he gently holds my hand as we swiftly move, as I try to catch up with him not wanting to embarrass myself.

Kate- You are really good at dancing.

Cute guy- Thanks, I had to take classes, my mother she forced me. For each time we'd have a ball dance.

Kate- Is there anything you can't do?

He quickly gives me a twirl as my back is now against his chest, his arms wrapped around me, his lips ever so close to my neck.

Cute guy- Valentino, that's my name.

My eyes widen, fancy name too, and very, very familiar.

All of a sudden, Valentino twirls me as I land in someone else's arms, I think someone heard my prayer, because I was safely wrapped in Ethan's arms.

I look up to meet his familiar features, he didn't seem to recognize me, but I did on the spot, I could never forgot a face like his.

Kate- Ethan!

I whisper yell at him, his eyes meet mine, and a smile quickly appears on his face.

Ethan- Kate! Oh my gosh, it's you!

Kate- Yes it is me!

I say happily, I couldn't believe it they actually came to save me.

Ethan- Katherine, I missed you so much, I thought he rapped you! Did he? I'm gonna kick his a-

Kate- Ethan no he di-

Ethan- Kate stop lying did he touch you? Did he try to? Kate babe please tell me I would never forgive myself for letting you leave the club that night, plea-

Before he could speak anymore, I slammed my lips onto his, holding onto his neck, as he doesn't kiss back at first but kisses back when finally realizing I'm actually kissing him.

The song "Skyfall" by Adele plays.

Ethan holds me closer by the waist, as he pulls back for air,

Ethan- K-Katherine, I know I might have not been the best person these past years, and I really have no reason as in why I bullied you. I was an idiot. But now, ever since that night you went to have dinner at my house, I couldn't stop thinking about you.

My eyes getting watery, tears threatening to spill.

Ethan- But what I'm really trying to say is, I-I, sighs, I love you Katherine.

My eyes widen,

Ethan- And I want to prove to you, that I do love you, with all my heart.

He steps back, and hold's his hand out for me to grab. I look at his hand, and this deep into his eyes, recognizing those brown eyes I had fell in love with.

I gently hold his hand, as he gives me a sweet caring smile.
[A/N] alright guys the next chapter is a chapter many of you have been waiting for, okay at least ik my friend Leilany has. Alright guys prepare youselfs, please. Anyways, a lot of things have been going in with Grayson recently on Twitter and Instagram, no matter what they say this fandom is amazing.
Well, ily guys, stay awesome.❤✌

30k reads omfg! Ily guys so much! Happy 4th of July!❤

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