The Legend of Prank Williams Jr.

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I know that Drea hates prank day, absolutely despises it. I came to that conclusion when we tried to prank her a couple of years ago, and it ended with her in a puddle of tears. It had devastated me, seeing her like that. But I had a plan for this year. Though, I was going to be busy with my revenge prank on Dawn. She had glued my butt to the toilet seat this morning, and what I did to her-she'll wish it never happened.

What I was planning was a light prank, something to make her smile, and even laugh, maybe. But truly, my sites were set on destroying Dawn.


"Pranks Williams Jr. One of the most important figures in Forest Hills history or whatever. In 1807, he fended off a British invasion of the town by pranking their general so hard his troops lost all respect for him..." Mr. Krause explained, he went on talking, explaining how that said man became the principal of the school, and now we prank each other every single year.

You hate pranking, you think it's just stupid. You always wound up with tears in your eyes or guilt in your heart, and you weren't excited for that at all. You always took it personally, even when it was supposed to be a silly little thing that didn't mean anything. It always did. You sat in front of Kirby in History class, you had given up on taking notes and just started staring off, hoping the decision would end sooner than later.

"Yes, Eli." Mr. Krause called.

"I don't." Eli said.

"You don't...?" Mr. Krause trailed.

"Celebrate Prank Williams Jr. Day by pulling pranks." Eli explained as you raised your hand.

"Drea." Krause nodded to you.

"I don't celebrate at all." You announced, as you let your hand fall from the air.

"Eli is a conscientious objector and Drea...well." Kirby explained before pausing, you looked back at him with a questioning look.

"I hate pranks." You stated, shrugging lightly.

"And I just don't like pranking people." Eli finished, frowning. "The tricking, the meanness, no, thanks."

"Then, you and Drea may sit quietly." Krause replied. "Some say that Prank Williams..." he pointed to a portrait. "hid his greatest prank somewhere here in town. Supposedly it was the funniest, most outrageous prank of all time. Blah, blah, blah. Who wants to watch a movie?"

"Me!" You requested as you were met with a dry stare.

"No, wait. What was the prank?" Kirby pressed.

"So, no movie." Krause nodded. "Yeah, no one knows. It was so powerful he feared it might destroy the town, so he never used it. He named it the Geoffrey, which was the scariest name he could think of at the time."

"Fish, imagine what I could do to Dawn if I got my hands on that prank." Kirby whispered, but not very quietly.

"Don't bother-." he continued you on, as you stared down at your notebook. As the bell rang, you breathed out a relieved sigh, picking up your notebook and putting it in your bag, but something slipped out. You reached down, grabbing the piece of paper before opening it.

'Rose are red, violets are blue, I want to make today a good day for you.

sorry I can't rhyme'

You stared down at the piece before shooting your head up and looking around, before grabbing your bag and following the boys out of the classroom. Just as, Fish grabbed out his phone and started talking into it. "I got this letter." You revealed to Kirby and Eli, Fish was off in his own little world.

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