Please mistress...

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"H-how was your nap b-baby" Max says, you wake up with a tired face and say "aww it was AWSOME bubby" you say "what's wrong?"you say, noticing max had a scrunched up face with a pink tint on his face

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"H-how was your nap b-baby" Max says, you wake up with a tired face and say "aww it was AWSOME bubby" you say "what's wrong?"you say, noticing max had a scrunched up face with a pink tint on his face. He softly pulls his shirt up, you were so surprised, you noticed a bulge in his stomach with his nipples poking out, "W-what is that..?" You ask, he took your hand and pulled it to the bulge in his stomach, "Nngh Mommy.." he moaned out loud, "Max it's 8 pm bubby and it's raining" you say, "how did you even make a bulge like that" you say, "I-I put a dildo In me t-to make it like this" he says, You check the back of him and there's a dildo stuffed in him, "M-max what is this". He sat down on your thighs and started to grind on one of them, "I-I need you y-yn" he says. "Wait max I can't" you say, "H-huh w-why?!" He says, "We have to go to the movies with my friends rememberrr" you say, he starts to whimper from the loss of your touch, so he plays with himself infront of you, you turn around to see him playing with himself "Max are you playing with yourself...? Without my permission?" You say, he pauses and starts to shake. You tell him to put a butt plug on, "M-mistress I'm s sorr-" he says, "Nope zip it" you say, "if it starts to feel bad or hurts a lot say your safeword" you say, "whats your safe words Max?" you say, "B-Beauty" Max says, "And what else?" you say, "Blossom" Max says, "good boy now start to get dressed"you say, You and Max start to get dressed and get ready. This is what you wear

and this is what Max is wearing

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and this is what Max is wearing

You and him were walking to your friends house  in the rain with an umbrella

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You and him were walking to your friends house in the rain with an umbrella

You saw Max whimpering from the feeling in his butt, "Does is feel that good?" you ask, "Nngh~ Mhm Mhm" max answers, "I'll take it out for now then" you say, you push max to a nearby wall and pulled his pants down "B-Baby P-please~" Max says, "Ple...

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You saw Max whimpering from the feeling in his butt, "Does is feel that good?" you ask, "Nngh~ Mhm Mhm" max answers, "I'll take it out for now then" you say, you push max to a nearby wall and pulled his pants down "B-Baby P-please~" Max says, "Please what?" You ask "P-please touch me" he answers, he starts to pull his shirt up and touches his nipples, "Ugh~ b-baby~" he says, You notice that Max starts to get a big erection in his pants, "I-It hurts~" he says. "Oh gosh max, we really need to get to my friends house" you say, you pull Max by the arm and he yelps from the pain. You guys finally got to your friends house, but max still got his bad erection. You nock on the door really hard, max grabs your hand really tight from how nervous he was. Your friend Aria opens the door "OmGOoDNEsS HiIiI" Aria says, "HiIi BeStIe" you say, Max is just standing there blinking, "h-hi" max says, Aria pulls you and Max inside and Aria pulls you to the corner "Omg bro hes so adorable" Aria whispers, "Pls tell me you dom him" Aria says, "OFC I DO" You say, you and aria notice that Max was blushing from overhearing the conversaition you were having with aria. You remembered that you totally forgot to put in the butt plug so you tell aria that "me and Max will be right back", you snag Max's arm and bring him to aria's bathroom. "I totally forgot to put the butt plug in you, bend down for me" you say, Max bends down and flips over so you can put the butt plug in him, "AGH~" Max moans, you quicky cover his mouth so he won't make any noise.

Aria's PoV
"They are taking so long we really have to get to the movies" Aria says "AGH~" Max moans, "what the hell was that 😀" Aria says, "ARE YOU GUYS DOING OK?!" Aria says, "YEAH SORRY HE HURT HIS FOOT" You say, "OK OK!" Aria says, "that's definitely not what happened but ok 💀"

Back to regular pov
You kept hearing Max holding back his pretty moans, "Max are you ok?" you ask

Max's POV/mean while Max is thinking...

DID SHE JUST ASK IF I WAS OK?! She knows what shes doing to me and how she's making me feel, i'm going to get so embarrassed in front of this human. You know what, if Y/N wants to be like this to me i might as well embarrass her

Back to regular pov

You notice that max start to look more shy then before so you kiss him on the lips. "A-AHH~", max moaned out loud, "..." you and Aria stare at max while he just keeps huffing trying to get air from the teasing, "M-max? Are you ok?" Aria asks, "he's ok he just was trying to sneeze" you say, Aria just turns back around and ignores it and starts driving again. You forcefully kiss Max because of how he was definitely not behaving tonight, he moans from the passion of your tongues dancing in each others mouths. "Y-y/n" Max says, "yes max?" You say, he puts his hands on his lap and moves closer to you with a submissive a begging face, "P-pls take me bub.." max says, You jump up from how surprised you were when Max told you that one sentence. You tell Aria that Max has a bad fever and you guys have to go home, she understands and turns around to go to your house. When you get there Max apologizes and so many times to Aria but she just kept saying "it's ok it's ok" as soon as she drives off you notice Max'x ears and tail pops out and it starts to sway slowly. You notice Max clinging on to your waist, "Nngh~.. Mommy t-take me pls" Max says, you fiddle with the keys to get the right one to open the door, you push max onto the ground and he pushes you up and he sits you in between his legs, "L-let me guide y-you.." Max says, he grabs your small wrist and hands, he guides your hands to his twitching member, he lets out a small whimper from you lightly touching his member. "I-I want you to give me head.." Max says, "Ofc baby... you've waited for so long.." you say, Max gets so excited his nipples also jump up. You put your head on Max's member and go up and down on it slowly, tears start to form on your face from the choking, max gets worried so he stops pushing your head down on his member, "B-baby are you ok?" Max asks, "of course bub why?"
You ask "y-you we're tearing up" Max says, "ohhhh haha it's because I'm chocking" you say "C-CHOKING?!" Max says, "N-no lol it's ok Max" you say, you push your head back on maxes member and he cums right away, you have cum all in your mouth "b-baby don't drink I-" max says, you gulp it down your throat with a disgusted face, "w-why did you drink I-it?? I-it's nasty.." Max says, "anything from you is delicious my beautiful good boy" you say, he blushes from hearing your words. You could see that max was really tired so you told him to go to bed so he went to the bed with you in his arms and he fell right asleep


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