What Is this Max?...

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includes, SItting on face, cross gender 

You were coming home from your night shift it was amazing because you got a free HUMUNGUS MEATY CHEASY MEATY BURGER. You started to munch on your burger while it rained outside in the pouring weather. You were close to the house when you noticed a cute hello kitty bag in the mall window, so you rushed inside and got it and ran right back out. ¨This is soo cute with my outfits eeeee¨ You say, you run to the car in the rain and drive off fast so you can get to the house quickly so max wont be scared to be by himself. You were screaming because you were not home on time.

When you got in the driveway you ran into the house quietly so max wouldn't pounce on you and knock you to the ground. You were checking all the rooms to see if Max was in any of them but you couldnt find any, so you decided to go to his room where you created for max if he ever wanted to do his "job" alone. You walk into the room very quietly so he wouldn't notice you, you peaked threw tho door and you saw Max covering his mouth to keep quiet while teasing his member. He was wearing one of YOUR skirts with a tight shirt that could show his nipple erection. You lean on the side of the wall while watching him with a smirk on your face, he didnt notice that you were standing there because of how into it he was. You knocked on the wall and he jumped and looked straight at you, ¨I-Im sorry.." he starts to tear up from being alone for hours In your house. you sprint over to him and you grab him by the waist and hug him, he whines from your tight squeeze. "Quick question uh why are you exactly wearing my skirt?" you ask, "I like to wear your girl stuff sometimes.." he answers, you look down at the skirt and he starts to shiver from how embarrassed he was from wearing girly stuff. "I-Im sorry for wearing girl stuff i-it just comforts me.." he says, you fondle with his hair lightly while he whimpers. you pin him against the wall and he grunts in pleasure, "soooo this is why you've been acting soo feminine."you say, He starts to feel self conscious so he just smiles and nods. You don't think much of it and go to your room to do your homework, Max doesn't follow you this time he just goes downstairs while holding his fluffy tail.

A few hours past and Max still wasn't so intimate with you so you start to worry so you finish your homework fast and run downstairs. "MAX WHATS WRONG!"you ask, he looks at you in a odd way "nothing" he answers, you start to feel some rage come inside you so you run to him while he was standing next to the snack cabinet. you run in to him and he falls to the ground "what's wrong?" you ask again, "Nothing I'm fine" he answers, you were done with his act so you dragged him to your room by his ears and he started to tear up from the pain, when you got to your room you pushed him on the bed, he was under you with the most teary eyes. "What's wrong" you ask one more time, he still dosen't answer... You pushed your arm in his beauty hole back and fourth, he moaned and cried so many times until he held your arm and finally said something, "I-I'm self conscious" he says, you stare at him with your beautiful eyes and he admires them, "Dont ever say your conscious about who you are Max." you say, you bring max to the mirror in your room and you start to strip him neck down until he was fully naked. "You see that Max your body is beautiful, It's so handsome how your body is different colors on your sensitive areas." you touch his red and pink nipples lightly and he hiccups while covering his mouth. "Nngh ahh~" he moans, "your body is amazing my love" you say, he blushes while sitting on your lap, you squish his chest lightly and say naughty things in his ear "M-more please.." Max says, "Mm mm no" you answer, he whines and moans as he wanted to come to his climax.."P-please mommy~" he asks again, "Only if you tell me that you love who you are" you answer, "I-I love who I am.. MmM~" a cracked out moan comes out of his beautiful mouth when you use the vibrator on his member. "S-so good a-ah~" he whines, you trace you index finger on his pelvis while he holds your waist "I-Im gonna haah~" he mumbles, "No dont." you answer, he puts your face in his chest while hugging you so you wont try to say anything. "MMMMM-" you tried to speak but nothing came out "im sorry im sorry im s-" he cums all over your chest while still hugging you, "B-bub?" he says, you stare at him for a long time so he knew he was in trouble. "I-I'm sorry" he says, you get up from his grasp and walk to get some water for him, he was so confused of why you weren't punishing him. You knew that Max loved getting punished so you decided on not punishing him this time. "W-where are you going" Max asked abruptly, "I'm just getting you some water, why?" you asked teasingly, "O-oh ok.." max replied, 

Few hours later 

You've been catching little details of max trying to make you punish him but you ignored it and kept doing your lovely business, Max was tired of this passion he could not fullfill so he pleaded out what he wanted "p-pls punish me mommy~" he says while sitting on your lap. You were so proud of him for not being nervous to say his pleasures out loud so you decided to award him. "You want to sit on my face?" you ask, "H-H-HUH?!" he answers, "something wrong? you ask, "N-no I just thought that you d-didnt like that." he answered. "When did I say that hm?"you ask. he gets straight to the point "Mommy I want you so bad ahh~" he gets closer "I-I want you to ruin my pathetic sloppy hole" he moves even closer to you and whines while his hips were swaying slowly with his tail, "P-pls kiss me" he asks, you look at his almost teary red eyes and you kiss him passionitly until he's out of breath. You take his wrist and guide him in front of you, "ahh~ t-touch me pls." he begs, you smirk and touch his most sensitive area. "A-AHH~" he whimpers from the tention of you swirling around his delicate nipples. "T-this is so frustrating haah~" He moans, "why so frustraded my love?" you ask. "I-I need to cum." he answers, "Then you have to do good for me, my love.." you say, "I will I promise, please..." he says. you smile at him "Lets see if you can cum with me just playing with your nipples." you say, "Yes mommy.. Nngh~" he moans, "I-I love when you humiliate me..." he says, you lightly kiss his forehead, "I-Im close haah~" he says, "come for me baby." you say, he places kisses all over your face and he whimpers and tears up from how close he was. "I nngh I love you so much~" he says, white bursts of cum spurt out of his member and you giggle and kiss him while he was moaning softly trying to get all the cum out. he looks at you for a few seconds, while you try to figure out why hes staring at you, he tilts his head to the side and his ears and tail pops out, his tail starts to wag. "You ok Max?" you ask, he jumps on you and starts to kiss your face, "I love you so much.." he says, "I love you more cutey" you say

1363  words SEE YOU BYE >:)

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