You wanna try and dom me psst..

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Smut warning ⚠️

Pretend it's white hair 😫

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Pretend it's white hair 😫

It was late at night and you were watching a movie with max <3 while the rain was pouring hard outside, Max asked something really strange to you "What if I dommed you..?" He asked, you just froze and looked at him slowly, "Didn't you already dom me last time..?" You asked, "That was just me practicing a little bit" he said, "P-PRACTICING??!!" You say, "T-that wasn't me being a soft dom?.." he asks, "You were being very straight forward with me" you say, Max started to wag his tail without knowing and he had a big erection. "Really..?" He asks, you start to get a bit nervous over how he was acting, "Y-yeah" you say, "Well let's see your weaknesses~" he says, "WAIT HUH?!" You say, you grab Max's arm and body that was hovering over you. "D-do you really want to do this?.." you say, Max nods repeatedly, "Your much bigger than me and your hands are huge like your member" you say, He starts to push your above your head, "and your smaller than me, I can take care of you" Max says, you nod and allow him to eat you and do whatever he wants to you, "Good girl..." Max growls, he starts kiss your neck while humping your stomach, "Y-hnng~ your mine" Max says, you keep staring at max with a such lustful eyes without saying any words, he notices that you've been staring at him the whole time "Are you ok my love?" Max asks, "hnng~ y-yeah" you answer, He smiles at you and starts to kneel to get in the middle of your legs, "H-hey! what are you d-doing?!" You ask, Max gives you that cute look he does every time and says "Let me do this baby..", You get suprised, then you slightly nod your head. He starts to lick your clit lightly, a cracked out moan escapes your mouth from the plessure, he puts his big hands on your thighs and starts to kiss them lightly "b-bubby nngh~ M-mine" You try to say, "Aww your so cute~" He coos, You try your hardest to get out of his grasp because it was actually starting to hurt a little from him being inside you, "M-Max", you notice that he didnt hear you so you try again and he still cant hear you, He keeps pumping inside your harder and harder, "B-b-blossom hnng~" you say, He immediatly pauses from what he was doing and carrys you, "B-BABY I-" Max trys to speak but tears start to run down his face, "I-Im sorry" you say, "N-NO NEVER SAY SORRY ITS MY FAULT please.." Max says, You were dripping with his cum that was inside you, you try to push it all out but you were to weak, "Oh god oh god..." he starts to shiver while pulling on to his shirt, "h-hey it o-" you try to speak but, he hugs you tight and brings you straight to the bathroom to put you in a warm bath. When the water was done he gently picked you up and put you into the bath, "Nngh~" you whimper, "w-whats wrong??!!" Max asks with concern, "T-the bites t-they sting a little" you answer. There was blood on his teeth from his fangs when biting you, He fully turns submissive with you, he makes sure everything's ok, he keeps crying every other minute. "Max im ok.." you say, he cry's more "N-no your not it's my fault I shouldn't have tried to dom you I'm a monster and I am to strong.. your to delicate and fragi-" max try's to finish his sentence but you stop him and slap him on his thigh, "you are not a monster max I don't want to hear that from you ever again... watch me punish you so bad for saying that.." you exclaim, "I-I don't care i just want you to be ok.." Max says, you stare at Max for a long time without saying anything, while he was sobbing "Max.." you say, he stares at you quickly without hesitaition "come here max, in between me." you say, Max takes his clothes off and gets in the bath with you, "sit in the middle of me", you spread your legs so he can go between you, you gently pat his head, you wonder what his ears and tail felt like so you touch his ears "N-nngh s-sensitive" He whimpers, you gasp from figuring out one of his sensitive areas. "Are you really sensitive there?", He nods, "your really sensitive for a a big buff guy," you explain, he pouts, ¨Can I touch your tail?" you ask, "Y-yea-" he try's to finish his sentence but you immediatly touch his tail without hesitaition. You start to stroke his tail back and forth he whined from the pleasure, you did not know that Max's heat was going way up from the pleasure that he has had all day today. "P-please take me i p-promise ill be a good boy" Max exclaims, "I-I dont know max I feel kind of weak right now.." you say. Max grabs you under your arms and puts you in between his legs, he turns you around to face him, "Just touch my c-chest that will h-help" he says, you nod and start to fondle with his big muscular chest, "H-Hah~ right h-here"

He grabs your wrist to guide your hand to his pointy and red nipples, you keep staring at them so much you just want to bite and suck them, you lean in closer to Max and he whimpers from the touch of your delicious tits, you start to get wrestless so you purk up to him and bite his chest "A-AH~" he starts to tear up from you biting and sucking on his chest, he fondles with his ears so he can feel more of the pleasure, "your so horny today, why?"you ask, "I-I think my body is trying to reproduce I-IDK" Max starts to get worried but you calm him down, "thats pretty cute" you exclaim

"H-How i-its disgusting" max says, "I like you like this, I love such passionate boys" you say, "all of my colony hates heat and bands it from entering but they only use it to reproduce" he says, "so how come your so into it?, dosent your parents tell you to not like it?" you say, "I-i never told them, I would usually go in m-my room and play with m-myself..." he says, "I wonder what makes you so intimate and sexual" You say, he grabs your wrist and guides you to his chest again, "y-yeah~" he whimpers, he starts  to finger his hole while you play with his plump chest, strips of white pre cum starts to drizzle out of his member, you decide to tease him a little bit so you stop what you were doing and just stared at him, "W-why did you s-stop?!" he questions, you saw his body start to quiver witg beads of sweat. "P-please touch me i p-promise I will do good for you" he say whimperly, you smirk and start to bite around his nipples, he starts to tear up and whimper from the amout of pleasure he was getting. "Yk max we've been doing this for a long time today we should go to sleep~" you teasingly say,  "H-HUH N-NO please let me cum, please.." he begs, but you ignore and starts to get out of the bath, Max quickly pulls you down to him and hugs you tightly, you were gradually suffocating in his plump chest "C-can't breathe.." you try to say, "S-SORRY" he exclaims, you start to laugh and he blushes hardly, you crawl out of the bath slowly so max wouldn't notice you while hes in a daze. As soon as you got out you rushed to the bedroom to get away from the bathroom, you were giggling from teasing him. You hear big footsteps coming from the bathroom, "Nngh~" a silent whine escapes max's mouth, "H-Hey! whats wrong" you ask, "I-its so full haah~" he whimpers, you walk to max and he keeps looking down, his hair was as wet as a rain storm from him being so intimate this whole day, "I don't understand max... What's full?" you patiently ask, he wines and pulls his pants down and gives you his veiny aching full member, "ohh so that was the problem" you say, he starts to nod his head slowly while staring at you, "Fine i guess.." you pout, max starts to wag his tail so fast, you take your hands to his member and start to stroke it fast, he grabs you and holds on tight while he was close to the edge, you stop immediately he starts to tear up while holding you "just kidding lol" you say, you immediatly stroke him faster and he cums all over the towel that set down so he wouldn't have to take a bath again you kiss his head and tell him to put his pajamas on and head to be so he picked you up even tho you told him it was fine and put you right on the bed to go to sleep



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