Dom me please..

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(I feel like Max looks like this when he's a sub, imagine him with white hair and wolf ears 💀)

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(I feel like Max looks like this when he's a sub, imagine him with white hair and wolf ears 💀)

Your period just ended a few days ago and you felt really vulnerable from the last few days, so you weren't doming Max for a long time. Nor having any physical touch with him. He understood but he still always tries to jerk off sometimes while you aren't looking.

For the past few days, you've been wanting Max to Dom you from how vulnerable you have been, but you think that it would be too pathetic asking your own sub to Dom you. You understood that max has domed you before, but it was a long time ago. You notice Max walking over to you sweaty from working out for a long time. "Hi baby^^" he says joyfully. You make a dim smile on your face, "What's wrong? you're so down" he asks, a gloomy face starts to appear, "B-baby! nothing's wrong I promise:] " you've been saying that for the past few days so Max quickly picks you up and puts you on the kitchen table.

"What's wrong?" he asks again, his eyes start to look scary for how serious he was. He kisses you on your face a lot of times until you finally say "P-Please Dom me..." Max gets surprised by what you say, "I-I know I always Dom you I-it's just I haven't felt like this before a-and I wanna t-" Max pauses you from talking and starts to stride his big hands to your waist to bring you on his lap. "You don't know how long I've wanted this...." he says. You whimper from his touch going close to your thighs, "take it in for me my love... " he groans from how wet you were for him. He pauses "You want to do this? are you sure?" he asks.

"Yes p-please..." you whimper... "do you want to a-also?" you ask. He smiles at you and nods his head, he moves his hands closer and closer to your clit, "S-stop teasing m-me haah~" you say but he just smirks and starts to rub you slowly and gently, "f-faster" you ask, but he just laughs "take It my love" he says in joy. "Now, be a dear and put it in for me." he says without asking. "I-I don't know if I can" you say, "ohh.. I know you can" he picks you up from under your arms and places you right on his member. You scream under your breath trying not to make any embarrassing noises.

"Hey, come on~ make some noise for me^^" he says with a grin, he pushes you lower on to him slowly "aggh~ t-to much p-please..." you moan. "Hey what's with the attitude? ~" he asks, "do you want me to stop? I can~" he asks teasingly, "Y-you're frustrating me nngh~" you whine, "it's so cute :3" he responds. you start to bounce on him slowly while hugging him, so you won't fall back. "I-It hurts, you're too big for me..." you whimper, "aww but you're doing so well my loveee" he says teasingly again.

"I-I guess..." you say. "Aww you guess??" he says. "You're doing great my love don't doubt yourself..." he says. You notice his bulging nipples rubbing against you while he's talking, "that's his sensitive area why is he rubbing against them?" you think to yourself. "heyyy what are you looking at... perv" he laughs. You look Max into the eyes; he has the same eyes for when he is begging for more.

Big purple/blue glossy cute eyes, you think it's cute, so you just play along, while you were staring at his nipples the whole time thinking about what he was doing you jolt up in surprise seeing Max's face totally flushed out, he had a pink face staring at you with big eyes. "A-are you ok?" you ask, he grabs your wrist and puts your pointer finger on his nipples and swirls them around "ahh~ g-good girl" he whimpers.

You jolt up in excitement from all of the tension that was happening. he kisses you on the cheek and mouth many times while you are messing with his nipples. His member was twitching while also being veiny and sore, "B-be a good girl for me and k-kiss them" he asks. you thought he was being so cute, so you nodded your head and started to kiss his nipples, a few seconds after you were kissing his nipples you checked to see if he was ok.

his eyes were wide, and his face was red while his ears were moving left to right, "M-more please... don't s-stop" he asks. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be doming me?" you ask. "S-sorry" he responds. "It just feels so good..." he says. you smile at him "Do you want me to Dom you, my love?" he nods his head slowly feeling bad about not being able to last the whole time doming you. "I-I'm sorry Hah~" he whimpers. His eyes were getting really glossy and teary "p-please forgive me" you grin at Max seeing him sitting in front of you like a slut.

His chest was poked out while his nipples were poking out trying to get your addictive touch. "Tell me why should I forgive you...?" You start to lightly pet his nipples his body was squirming and holding on tightly to the sheets. "B-because I-I didn't m-mean to ahh~" you start to have a grin on your face from hearing him plead to have forgiveness, "fine this once. Don't do it again..." Max nods his head and moves closer to you so you can touch him more, you bite his nipples really hard while he was covering his face with his big hands.  "Show me your pretty face my love" you ask. He takes his hands from his face but still closing his eyes from the embarrassment "look at me..." you ask. he looks at you with his puffy eyes and whimpers while you start to stroke his swollen Dick.

"s-so sensitive..." "B-but feels so good..." his eyes start to tear up from his frustration of how he feels, you pet his head lightly trying to get him to calm down. "You want me to stop?" you ask if he's ok. "I-is it ok if i j-just cum and then we s-stop..." he asks "ofc baby<3" you respond. You stroke him off slowly and easily so he won't feel to sensitive, "I-I'm close hah~" he whines. "Cum for me baby" you say. He hugs you while he starts to cum moaning in your ear. You kiss his forehead and tell him "your such a good boy for me" you say, "t-thank you mommy" You wash him up softly and gently and put his big shirt on him "do you want to wear any pants or underwear my love?" he blushes and shakes his head no. You walk him to your bed and he lays down hugging his teddy bear while going to sleep "I love you my baby" you kiss him again and head off to the shower

word count 1225

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