You like when I degrade you?

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"N-no haah~ pls" Max moans (A/N, damn we already gettin into it;) you use your strap on him for the first time, Max was gripping the sheets and crying into them, "Why are you so tight.." you groan "I-i'm sorry mmm~" he whimpers you were getting kind of annoyed at how he wasn't losing up, "So pathetic.. you can't even get loose for me" you groan out loud, You notice that Max started to blush from you saying those words, you start to laugh to yourself seeing how flustered he was from the humiliation. "You annoy me so much It's humiliating, I don't even see how I do this with you" you say, "Mmm~ haah~ mistress i'm s-sorry" he whines, "Your stupid tail is in the way" you say, you grab his tail tightly "AHH~" Max moans from the sensitivity of his tail, "P-please touch my n-nipples mommy" Max begs "Such pathetic little nipples.." You say even tho Max's nipples were kinda big, they were bulging out and moving from how hard you were pounding him. You sat him up to let him sit in front of you, his nipples were twitching trying to get your needed touch. "P-Please" he says, "hmm no, i like seeing you like this" you say, you start to tease his nipples slightly, he squirms from the pleasure and his nipples keep popping back up even if you pressed them. Every time you'd press them and they would pop back out from how hard they were he would jolt, "You're so adorable my love.." you say, you put your head close to his nipples and start to lick them lightly, his body keeps shaking from all of this action, "your body is all red baby.." you say, "I-i'm sorry" he says, "you don't need to be sorry my love" you say, you bite his nipples and he moans from the intense feeling of pleasure "I-I can't take it mm~" he whines, "Is it to much for my pathetic whore?" you say, he shakes his head yes "M-mhm t-to much m-mistress"he whines from knowing how pathetic he is "ok" you say, you get up and walk away to put some clothes on "I'm going to go get us some lunch" you say, "C-can I co-" he tries to finish his sentence but you interrupt him with a "No, stay here." you say, "o-ok mm.." he says, you wanted to leave to actually stay out for some hours to make him stay home by himself, "be right back call me if you need anything." you say, you shut the door behind you and head off 

Max's Pov

"W-why did she just leave me..." "did i do something wrong." Max jumps up to go put some clothes on to get out of the house and go after you to go wherever you're going, 

regular pov 

It was below 8 degrees outside and Max had no car except for a jacket. He knew he wanted to know what was wrong so he went outside and didn't care for the cold right now. (A/N, If I stepped outside and it was below 8 degrees id be like "Nah bruh you thought you ate", and head right back inside☠)   He was walking around asking people if they were to see a black car riding around the place, but obviously they said no cause there is way to many black looking cars to find the one you were in, He checked to see if he could call you, but his phone was dead. Max could barely walk from the things you and him were doing at the house. "I-I s-should g-go h-home" he tries to say but he was too cold to speak, 

(It's been hours because max doesn't know where the house is)

you were coming home from the mall and getting max's food which was delicious hot soup, you noticed a tall figure with white hair "M-MAX?!" you yelled, he was sitting on the floor with icy tears coming down his face and was rapped up with a light jacket. You ran to him and held his hand to guide him so he could walk, You ran to the car and put max right into the hot heated car. "M-max?.." you say, he didn't answer but there was a light "haah-" coming from his mouth, so you drove off really fast trying to get home so you can put him in the bed, max grabbed onto you hand slightly, you looked at him and his eyes were barely open but you still saw that his eyes were full of glee and happiness, you started to cry from how happy he can be and so joyful while still feeling so hurt. "haah- w-wha w-wron" he tries to speak but it is still too cold to talk. "When we get home I-I promise that I will hug you and squeeze you" you say, he has a faint smile but says "T-thank yu" you rush to you house which took a few minutes but when you finally got there you went straight in a hot shower with max. "S-so warm mm~" he says, "I'm so glad you are ok.." you say, you start to cry from how much suffering max had to go through because of you. "H-hey its ok dont cry It was a accid-" max tries to say, "N-no i-it wasnt I-I was so turned on that I wanted to tease you t-this bad." you say, He lifts your head up and says "Baby... Its ok.. I love you so much.." he says.. You hug him tightly not letting him go one bit. "T-tight ahh~" he whimpers, "I won't let you go.." you say, he nods and hugs you back,  "I love you" you say "I love you more" he says 

968 words ___-___ 

Bro this one was fr cringe but ty for reading :))))

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