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At some point while I was drawing, two of my characters somehow found a way to sneak in. One was a small gray cat plushie with one eye replaced with a red button. The other was a bit of a smaller cat, with a very dark, almost black tone of green for his fur. A lighter spot was shaped like the radioactive symbol on his chest.

I looked at the two felines staring at me curiously.

"Whipstitch, Torin, what are you doing in here?" I asked, "And how did you get in here?"

"Well, first off there's a door," Whipstitch replied, amused. "And second, we were curious about what you were doing."

Torin merely nodded in agreement. He doesn't talk much, but when he does it's when he's angry and about to melt someone into a puddle of nothing.

Whipstitch, not waiting for my reply, jumped up on the bed and peeked at the drawing I was making. His head tilted slightly. "Who's that?"

I had been drawing a character that wasn't present in the cabin - he wasn't "evil" like most of the people here. Although he did have an evil side.

"Oh, it's Blaza," I replied, "But it's the version of him when he's been possessed by both Harm and Yang in Angelic."

I was bored and he was on my mind after my talk with Harm.

"Huh," Whipstitch said simply. He looked up at me. "How do you know stuff like that?"

I had to stop myself from wincing. They don't know I'm a creator. Right.

"Uh... I just do?" I replied.

Well, that was pathetic.

Whipstitch shrugged (Or I think he shrugged. It was more like a weird motion of his withers). He sat down and simply watched me. At some point, Torin decided to come up as well, staring curiously at the paper. I wasn't comfortable with two technical antagonists sitting right next to me, but it was less nerve racking, seeing the fact that they were both cats.

After a while I got bored, and put the sketchbook away.

"Where ya going?" Whipstitch asked me as I stood to walk towards the door.

"I really don't know. For a walk, I guess." I shrugged. I continued out the door, leaving Torin and Whipstitch alone.

I walked into the main room, only to be immediately startled by Tonix. He was transfixed by some cartoon on a TV that was set up in there like a little kid seeing television for the first time. It was kind of funny, once I realized he wasn't here to kill me. I carefully walked past him to not disturb him, and stepped out the front door.

The sun was warm compared to the cooler air of the soft breeze. Leaves whispered and danced in the wind, some detaching from their branches completely and sailing through the wind. The setting of this place was very much different from its inhabitants.

"Like it?"

Again, I was jumpscared by the sudden entrance. My glasses actually fell off this time, and I knelt down to pick them up.

"What is it with you guys and sneaking up on me?" I said to no one in particular.

The new character chuckled. "I see I'm not the first, then."

Once I put my glasses on, I was able to see who I was talking to. It was a humanoid figure seemingly made of white, fluffy cloud, his puffy hair covering his eyes completely. A small top hat floated an inch or two above his head, but it looked like below, since he was floating upside down. He was a newer OC, Styrmir. Also the cousin of my OC Zane.

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