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Static crackled on my mic as it came into connection.

"DJ? Where the hell are you, you were supposed to be back here an hour ago!"

Her angry tone made me flinch.

"Sorry, boss," I replied, "They... they found me. Trapped me with some magic that prevents me from using my powers. It's a miracle I was able to stop the record to talk to you."

I heard a frustrated sigh on the other end.

"Why did I trust a child to do this?"

"Hey, I'm 11! I'm not that young!"

She ignored me. "Well, get your a-" static crackled as she swore- "-back out of there before midnight, or I'm sending Tempest after you. And you know as well as I do she's not quite fond of you."

I sighed. "Alriiiiiight."

She hung up.

I looked out the window, where the now motionless stars shone. The moon was just rising. Good. I could get out if I managed to escape the chains...

I shuffled my hand around in my jacket until I found what I was looking for, and pulled it out. It was what looked like a record disc, but the edges were as sharp as any knife. Oh, and they were magic.

Pressing against the chains with the disc, I used it like a saw, rubbing the edge back and forth against them. Finally, after what felt like an hour, they broke.

I leaped up from my prison and stretched my small wings. That was VERY constricted, and I did NOT like it. Not even bothering to look back, I walked to the window and unpaused time.

My guard, a small gray wolf thing with little demon wings and red dots for eyes, blinked in confusion, as I was no longer on the chair. Standing up in a panic, he looked around until he set eyes on me.

I bolted forwards, grabbing the canine and covering his snout with my hand to keep him from barking (not sure if that works, he really doesn't have a mouth-), and quickly teleported out of there.



Inferno's been staring at me the past hour and a half and it's making me nervous. There's no way she hasn't caught on yet. Or maybe she has, and she's debating on how to kill me.

"So what was that all about?"

Xirox glared at me as well, but was less silent, as it seems.

"I-I don't know," I replied, trying to stall as much as I could.

"Don't play dumb, yhenj," Xirox snarled, "DJ obviously knows something about your little scheme that we don't. And I don't like not knowing things!"

One of his tentacles wrapped around me, and I shrunk back as Xirox pulled me towards him. His face was twisted into an angry scowl, his sharp teeth menacing.

"Now, let's not get too harsh, here," Ally cut in, pushing Xirox and I apart, "She hasn't done anything wrong. That we know of."

She emphasized "that we know of" quite obviously.

After what felt like a very long, awkward silence, I finally sighed, breaking the stillness.

"No," I said, "Alright. You guys... need to know the truth."

Inferno's glare narrowed.

I sighed again. "I haven't been particularly lying to you guys, I've just been... leaving out one detail about myself.

"I'm... I'm your creator."

I flinched, ready for someone to murder me or stab me or something. No one moved. They all just kind of stared at me, seemingly surprised at my answer.

Until Xirox broke the silence with an angry snarl.

"I should have KNOWN!"

His tentacle wrapped around me once again, squeezing me so tight I was surprised my bones didn't break. Xirox's furious glare met my eyes as he began to slowly crush me with the tentacle. I coughed as I attempted to breathe (and failed multiple times, his grip was pretty strong).


Another tentacle came out of nowhere, pushing Xirox aside. Xirox, now dazed, hit the wall with a thud. A blur of red and black shot past me and pinned him there. I fell to the ground as Xirox released me, coughing as I caught my breath.

Inferno growled as Xirox met her gaze.

"Don't," she said.

"And why shouldn't I?" Xirox snapped, "You know as well as I do how much pain she's put us through!"

"You kill her," Inferno growled, "You kill us all. She's our life source, and you know it."

Xirox looked like he was about to protest, but remained silent.

"Believe me, I want to kill her, too," Inferno replied, "But you have. To. Resist. Got it?"

Xirox gave a small nod. Satisfied, Inferno stood back up. She held out her hand to help him but, but Xirox swatted it away and pulled himself to his feet.

His eyes landed on me.

"Your luck won't last forever, creator," he spat, as if the words were poison on his tongue, "You won't live much longer so long as I can help it."

He turned around, storming out of the room in anger.

And at almost the same time, a hard thud was heard in the other room.



Static crackled on the device. A voice spoke on the other end.

"Who the hell is this?"

"It's me."


"I... I can't take this anymore. I'm coming back."

"You can't."

"What do you mean?"

"I need you over there. They trust you. It's obviously too late to use DJ, and she doesn't remember Pastel, Tempest, or I. You're the only one I can have there."

"Ugh. Can I at least torture her?"


"FINE. But this better be worth my while. Being here is much better than the Between."

"This I understand. But just bear with me for at least a few more days. I need to make sure everything's in order before the plan is... executed."

The person chuckled at the irony of the statement.

"Alright. And what of them knowing her identity?"

"It seems to be playing off better than I anticipated. Just do your part, and they won't suspect a thing."

"Got it."


Xirox why u so meeeeeeaaan :<

anyway they all wanna kill me now help-

970 words

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