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Not even two minutes after I entered, Inferno started dragging me to some other place in the cabin.

"What the hell?!" I objected, thrashing to try to escape her grasp. Her claws dug deeper into my arm as I struggled. "Let me go!"

"We're going to meet with the others," Inferno stated, not really talking to me, "I called a meeting with them, and you're coming, too."

"The... others?"

Inferno glared at me in annoyance.

"Just keep your mouth shut unless I give you permission to talk," Inferno growled, "One wrong move, and I'll disembowel you and burn the pieces. Got it?"

I remained silent. Inferno continued to drag me on.

There were a few others waiting in the other room already: Arsenal, Xirox, Paralysis, Vizor, Dawn, and Harm. Inferno joined them with me.

"Are we ready?" Arsenal asked impatiently. His chest-eye's pupil was orange with annoyance.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go," Inferno replied.

Arsenal made a quick hand movement, and the surroundings changed. We now stood in a dark, endless void that reminded me of my depiction of a subconscious.

Inferno growled in annoyance. "Always has to be late, doesn't he?"

We stood there in silence for a minute or two before a few other figures came into view. I recognized them all - they were other characters of mine. In the front stood Akik, and he was followed by Zane, Xyan, Angelic Blaza, and Rho.

I wondered why so many characters had to come to this.

"Finally," Inferno remarked, "Must you always be late?"

"Sorry, I lost track of time," Akik apologized. He looked down and noticed me. "Who's this?"

"This is Addie," Inferno said, "And she's also the reason I called this meeting."

"Is she now?" Akik said, curious. He looked at me and smiled. "Hi, there. I'm Akik. Pleasure to meet you."

I smiled slightly.

"Anywho," Inferno said, "Can I speak with you in private?"

Akik nodded, and followed Inferno off to the side.

The others chatted amongst themselves, although I could feel tension between them. That was pretty reasonable, seeing that the group I was with were all villains.

"Hey. Addie, right?"

I turned and saw Zane standing beside me, his expression worried.

"Yeah," I said, "What's up?"

"Have you seen a guy named Styrmir lately?" Zane asked, "Demon cloud guy, has a little top hat on?"

"Yeah," I said, "I just saw him before we left. Why?"

He sighed. "I don't know. We're related, and I think we have some sort of connection, almost like siblings. And I feel like something's off."

"Huh," I said, acting like this was new information. These guys would most likely not react as severely as the antagonists would if they knew I was a creator, but it's probably best to be safe. "I'll check with him when we get back to the cabin."

Zane smiled. "Thanks."


Inferno turned back to Akik once they were a good distance from the others.

"We found a dead body," Inferno told him grimly.

Akik blinked. "Why am I not surprised?"

"None of us killed her, if that's what you're saying," Inferno snapped. She took a deep breath. "And it wasn't anyone we recognized either. Although she looked creepily a lot like me. It was barely an hour after Addie arrived that we found it, too. I have this feeling she has something to do with it."

"She's human. What could she have done if she was in you guys' cabin?" Akik pointed out.

"She's not who she says she is," Inferno said, "I know it. The way she acts like she knows all of us from atom isn't a coincidence, either."

"I think she seems fine right now," Akik replied, looking back to where Addie was standing. She was talking with Zane by the looks of it.

"Right now she's fine. But believe me, she's not telling the truth."

"I think you're just being paranoid," Akik stated blatantly.

Inferno growled. "You're blinded by your own stupidity. Does her facade fool you?"

"Aaaand this is why the Underground is separate from the Overworld," Akik sighed, "Look, Inferno, I can tell when people are for good or bad, and she's obviously no threat. Even if she's not telling the full truth about herself, it's most likely because she doesn't feel comfortable with telling a bunch of villains who she is!"

Akik decided to keep to himself the strange aura he had felt when in Addie's presence. That would only stress her out more.

"You know what- fine. You've been no help," Inferno snapped. "I'll just deal with this myself."

Akik started to say something, but remained silent as Inferno stormed away.


"We're leaving."

Inferno motioned to Arsenal, who nodded in return. I said bye to Zane and joined the group. Arsenal made the hand motion from earlier, and we were then back in the room at the cabin.


Wait so there's other characters too-

822 words

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