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"Are you crazy?"

Word Count: 906

Fluorescent lights spill across the swarming mass of colliding bodies, dancing to the loud thrum of the music. People are everywhere. I wince slightly at the volume as the beat seems to consume me.

Adrien tries to speak, but I shake my head to signify I can't hear him. He leans down to whisper in my ear. "Sorry I have to leave so soon. I think I heard something break in the living room."

Alya and Marinette grin deliriously at me, ready to fuck it up on the dance floor. I grab their hands, squeezing my way through a crowd to a group of familiar faces.

Fuck it. I lose myself in the rhythm, a grin spilling across my face. I love the chaos.

I succumb to the waves of sound pouring from the speakers. Nino winks from behind the turntable.

I dance until my hips ache and my feet are sore. I slow my movements to a halting stop, clutching my cramping side. I shout in Marinette's ear where I'm going and leave to catch my breath.

I make my way to the kitchen, taking deep breaths to relax. I hustle through another crowd of strangers to the fridge, rummaging through for a soda. I grab my drink of choice and hop on the counter, letting my legs dangle off the edge.

"Drink?" An older boy asks next to me, offering a glass. "It'll calm your nerves."

"No, thanks. I'm not really in the mood," I said, politely waving him off.

He playfully raised his hands in false surrender. "Your loss."

I sip my drink and stare distractedly until I see two familiar blondes.

Adrien and Chloe. They talk and walk out of my view. At the last minute, she turns and puts her arm around his waist, purposefully making eye contact with me.

That little fucker.

I down the rest of my drink, crushing the empty soda can in my hand.

"Actually, nevermind. I'll take that drink," I mutter, clenching my jaw.

His blue eyes widened in surprise. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. I need something strong," I grumble. I wipe Adrien from my mind, grinning. "Let's do shots."

He opens his mouth to protest but the people around us start chanting.

"SHOTS! SHOTS!" The mob screams over the music.

"I'm doing the first round!" I yelled, standing on the counter top. The crowd cheers, ransacking the kitchen for glasses and alcohol.

"This is a terrible idea!" The boy says, still sitting. He examines his black nail polish tiredly.

"I know!" I shout over the noise, bending over to grab two shots.

"Are you crazy?" He yells louder, slightly amused.

"I was never sane," I grin and down the shot, the liquor coasting smoothly down my throat. I grimace at the harsh taste, wrinkling my nose. I clear my throat. "Another! I need more!"

I grab the two shots given to me, chugging them. A girl grabs two for herself off the tray, earning herself a cheer.

"You're going to be fucking wasted," The boy says, shaking his shaggy head of blue hair.

"I hope so," I say, my words slightly slurring. "Ooh! I like this song. See you around." I shake my head and hop off the counter ungracefully, taking a minute to balance myself.

"Don't pass out," He shouts sarcastically.
"Such kind words," I yell over my shoulder, walking back to the dancefloor.

I find Alya and sidle up to her. "Oh my god, girl. Where were you?"

"Taking shots in the kitchen. Why?"

She holds up a dazed Marinette, shaking her for emphasis. "Mari here tripped over her own feet and sprained her ankle. I'm taking her home."

"I can walk perfectly fine," Mari insisted, unhooking herself from Alya. She wobbled on her foot, almost falling. "See? I'm—"

"—clearly not fine," Alya finished for her, rolling her eyes.

"How are you getting back?"

"We'll manage." Alya started walking but hesitated. "Are you coming?"

"I would but I kind of missed out on everything when I was in the kitchen. Also, I met someone..."

"That's great! You have to tell me everything later," Alya exclaimed, taking a minute to readjust Marinette on her arm. "Ok. Call if you need anything."

"Of course."

Alya hugged me and left, dragging Marinette behind her. I watch her go and turn to the party. My head throbs slightly with the noise and chaos. I search for the bathroom and change into my swimsuit.

It's a skimpy black bikini that leaves little to imagination.


I walk down the winding staircase, running my fingers over the gold railing. My free hand holds my clothes. My bare feet pad against the elaborate red carpet running down the middle of the steps. Several heads turn and I evoke a few gasps as I walk out of the house.

A few people linger by the pool, but few are in it.

Some pool party.

I set my clothes on the pool deck and ease myself into the water. It's cool but soothing to my aching body. I dive under and swim to the deeper side. I sink underwater under the surface, blowing bubbles to the surface. I resurface, smoothing back my hair.

A gentle breeze ripples the water and I relax. The quiet is calming. After a while, I towel off and head back to the house. I get to the door but a hand reaches out to my shoulder.


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