CHAPTER FIFTEEN - Embrace for Impact

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"You know you love me"

Word Count: 1073

Darkness bled into the sky as it lost sunlight. The clouds roiled, melting into darker shades of purple like pretty bruises. I blinked slowly, struggling to shake my weariness.

I checked my phone, finding comfort in its bright screen. Several messages, missed calls from Alya and matching voicemails.

I know your secret.


I quickly pause the voice recording. I breathe out slowly, shaking with fear. She couldn't possibly have figured it out.

I figured it out. It's not just a coincidence that you disappear during akuma attacks. You have a striking resemblance to her. I saw your costume in your locker.

Please don't be right. If she knows, I'll get my miraculous taken away.

You're Ladybug.


And I'm going to prove it.

Oh. Shit.

I was caught snooping around your locker at school today. You never noticed because you were asleep. When Principle Damocles heard, he called it a 'violation of the Student Handbook'. I'm suspended, which is so fucking humiliating. I have to prove you're Ladybug so they don't think I'm crazy. The truth must get out. I'm sorry. It's nothing personal.

I pause it and check my phone again. It's a picture of me in front of my locker, emptying my schoolbag. I squint slightly, zooming in on a splash of color. My modeling clothes from my last shoot spill slightly over the edge of the bag. Red hair ribbons, and a red blazer set accompanied by black lace bra. It's barely identifiable, but looks like a familiar red and black costume.



A clawed paw knocks lightly at my balcony window. I sigh and slink off my bed to let him in. Chat smiled gratefully when I opened the door, moving to come in. I swung my hips to the side and leaned against the doorframe, blocking him from entering.

"What are you doing here?" I stifle my yawn with my hand. "Shouldn't you be on patrol?"

"Hello to you too," Chat said, faking annoyance jokingly.

"It's almost midnight," I pointed out tiredly, blinking sleepily. "Go home. You should be sleeping."

"So should you, but here we are. Besides, I'd rather sleep with you... So, are you going to invite me in?" He smirked, leaning on his staff. "Or do you want to stay up and watch the sunrise together?"

"Shut up and get in, alley cat," I grumble, opening the door fully.

I let him in and closed the door, climbing back into bed. I glance over at Chat, who's grinning stupidly. I roll my eyes exasperatedly.

"You know you love me," He teases, his eyes gazing at me adoringly.

"Do I? Because right now I'd love nothing more than to kick you out," I said bitterly, my lack of sleep irritating me.

"Harsh," Chat grumbles, folding his arms over his chest.

I settle a little more into the bed, sighing. "As much as I love this cuddle session-"

"This is a cuddle session?" Chat perks up, spooning me excitedly. He pressed his face into my back, eager for the opportunity.

"-is there really a reason you came here? You don't usually visit me twice in a day."

I turn over to face him, lifting an eyebrow. My expression softened at his gaze, and I scratched behind his cat ears. Chat closed his ears in pleasure, smiling slightly. His tone becomes breathy and pitchy as he starts to speak.

I really want to kiss him.

Chat clears his throat, still slightly distracted by my affection. "I heard some rumors. About you."

"I don't know what you heard but they're all lies," I quickly exclaimed, the feeling fading.

"I know I'm not supposed to ask because of secret identities, but I have to know. Are you Ladybug?"

"No, sorry to disappoint you. I know you two have-" I paused, looking away. "-history."

Chat brings my face back to him with a finger. "Once I wanted something to be there, but we've changed-" His face hardens as he delivers his last sentence. "I've changed."

I smile slightly, moving my hand to scratch under his chin instead. Chat lets out a pur, a shiver going through his body.

"I'm very sensitive there. That's very n-nice," Chat tried holding back, but little noises of pleasure escaped his lips. He closed his eyes tiredly, his faint eye bags from lack of sleep more prominent. "D-don't stop doing th-that."

"I won't," I murmured, continuing. After a few minutes, his breathing slowed to a gentle hum. I carefully extracted my fingers from his face, trying not to wake him-

Chat opened his eyes and grabbed my hand gently. Chat guided my hand to his cheek, running his thumb in comforting circles on the back of my hand. Our eyes met again and I nodded slightly. Chat leaned in and kissed me softly, his lips feeling like butterflies dancing on mine. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss, letting my tongue slip into his mouth. The kiss escalated and I ended up on top of him, making out deeply.

"But we can't," Chat said suddenly, pulling away slightly.

"I know," I agreed, pulling him in by the collar. He made a small sound of satisfaction into my mouth before pulling away again.

"You don't know me," He pleaded weakly, trying to convince himself. I nodded silently, rolling off of him to face the opposite wall. Chat nestled himself against my back, playing distractedly with my hair.

I clicked play.

I know you're Ladybug. Just give it up. Answer me or-

Her voice shook and cut off.

I'm Lady Wifi and I'll expose the lies of anyone who covers up the truth.

"Fuck. She's akumatized," Chat whispered, his voice in my ear. He sits up hurriedly, making his way to the door. He hit his forehead with his palms, muttering to himself. "What was I thinking?"

"What are you doing?" I asked, rushing after him.

"The right thing. I shouldn't have come here when I was supposed to be on patrol."

"You're leaving? It's past midnight."

"I have to protect the city. I can't just let her run rampant."

"Ok," I sighed. "Just don't get hurt."

"Stay here, ok? She might go after you and I can't lose you."

"I'll be safe. Go," I said, pushing him out. "Don't die."

"I'll try," He joked, jumping off the balcony.

I watched his silhouette fade and slammed the door shut.

"Trixx, let's pounce!" I exclaimed, transforming.

Worth The Wait - Chat Noir x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now