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"I'm a goner."

Word Count: 356

Darkness spread its inky fingers over him, leaving him blind. His thrown body slammed back into the freezer, his head cracking soundly against metal. His ring slipped off his finger, falling into the snow. Adrien fell on his knees, searching through the ice. Adrien shivered, curling his fingers to warm them before returning to finding his ring.

"Help me," Adrien urged Plagg, swinging his head blindly to find the tiny cat. "C'mon, Plagg."

"It's too cold," The kwami complained, shivering.

His heart slowed as the cold set into his bones. Froze his blood and slowed his movements. Snow settled in his hair, burying him in the cold. Adrien exhaled, taking in a slow, staggering breath.

"Please," Adrien muttered, murmuring a quick prayer. He couldn't go out. Not like this. Not so soon to a freezer.

And for once, Adrien Agreste was scared. Of someone discovering his identity while he searched for his ring. Of never being found. Of dying. Of failing those he cared for.

Adrien gazed down slowly, registering the red in his fingertips. Then, finally... his fingers met metal.


Adrien slipped his ring on. Green light washed over him, transforming him back to Chat. He flexed his fingers, relieved to see his familiar claws.

Footsteps. Growing closer.

A slow cracking sound as the door opened. Chat blinked, unaccustomed to the bright light.

Light shone through, illuminating his savior's face. Her face was hidden in the light, much like an angel descending to help him in his time of need.

Her mouth was set in a line. Black was spread in lines over her cheeks. Soot dusted her hair, dirtying her now blackened boots.

An angel going to war.

Rena. She glared, determined to avenge him. And she looked unstoppable.

In that single moment, he felt his heart pound. In that moment, he felt something for her. Not just petty flirting or physical attraction but true, raw feeling.

Chat love-drunkenly gazed at her like she was the sun.

He stood up shakily... and collapsed onto her. She caught him, murmuring reassurance in his ear. A light blush spread across his cheeks.

I'm a goner.

Worth The Wait - Chat Noir x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now