CHAPTER EIGHT - A Date with Destiny

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"All of Paris is nothing in comparison to the view in front of me"

Word count: 1791

"Stop doing that! My soul left my body!" I exclaimed, catching my breath. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see you, princess," Chat said sarcastically, popping the 'p'. He pointed a clawed finger. "Why are you holding that pillow?"

"Because I didn't know who you were," I said truthfully, crossing my arms over my chest. I gestured with the pillow, sitting back on the bed. "I almost killed you."

"With the pillow?" Chat smirked, walking to me.

"I didn't have a better idea, okay? I just grabbed the nearest thing!" I exclaimed, a laugh bubbling up in my throat.

Chat flopped backwards on the bed, closing his eyes. He spoke after a pause: "Your laugh is cute."

"So I've heard," I murmured, crawling over on the bed to him. I hovered over him for a minute, staring at his peaceful face.

He's so cute.

I crossed my legs and placed his head in my lap. His blonde hair fanned around his head like a golden halo.

"What are you doing?" Chat asked quietly, opening his eyes. His luminescent green stared up at me.

"You," I retorted. I lightly slapped the side of his head when he started smirking. "Shut up, I'm playing with your hair."

"I didn't say anything," Chat muttered with false innocence.

"You know what you did," I muttered above a whisper, threading my fingers through his fluffy hair. "Your hair is soft."

Chat closed his eyes, a low purr vibrating from his chest. I hesitated, staring into his now wide eyes.

"Did you just purr?" I asked wondrously, a smirk tugging at my lips.

"Nope, I don't know what you're talking about," Chat denied childishly, flinging an arm over his face to hide his blush.

"Don't hide your face. It was cute," I said honestly, gently pulling his arm from his face. I leaned in slightly, brushing a few stray hairs from his masked eyes. "Aw, are you flustered?"

"Don't say anything anymore. Not. One. Word," Chat grabbed my shirt collar, dragging my face to his. Our noses brushed and I blushed as his eyes burned into mine. He softened at my reaction, a smirk spreading over his features. "Who's flustered now?"

I straightened, rolling my eyes to regain my composure. "Oh, please. You don't intimidate me."

"You're a bad liar," he drawled cockily into my lap, closing his eyes. "Just keep playing with my hair."

I rolled my eyes again and messed with his hair, listening to his breathing slow as he fell asleep. My hands started to cramp so I took my hands from his hair. I fought sleep, struggling to keep my eyes open.

~ Several hours later ~

Shit. I fell asleep.

It's Chat. His arm is slung over my body as I'm snuggled into his chest, my legs tangled with his. His hot breath warms my face and his hair mixes with mine. I stir nervously.


I wonder if I can sneak away without him noticing. But... There's a part of me that wants to be here. With him.

When I look back, his green eyes are open and staring questioningly into mine.

"Sorry for waking you up. Go back to sleep," I murmured quietly, running the pad of my thumb over his mask.

Worth The Wait - Chat Noir x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now