11. How did you know that.....you are gay?

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I....moved in.....with him.....

Nakul was clueless about how just in the past 3 weeks the impossible had happened. The one thing from which he tried running away from, he ended up chasing. It had been 3 weeks since he moved in with Dhiraj and time passed by too quickly for him to take a grasp of the changes around him.

Initially, Nakul was hesitant about how he would let Dhiraj know about his thoughts. But the man in front of him was patient as ever. Smiling with his eyes, he just sat with Nakul till he got over his awkwardness. And when Nakul did finally tell him that he wanted to move in, that smile reflected onto Dhiraj's lips.


Nakul could feel that same sensation again as he saw Dhiraj making a lame attempt to hide his wide grin. He got anxious, not being able to decipher the reason for his heart pacing up. Maybe that's what it is, anxiety. Yes, I'm just anxious. Nakul reached that conclusion of his self-diagnosis.

Nakul thought he would take some time to move out. But only 2 days later he found himself moving in with Dhiraj. Dhiraj had taken care of everything apparently. And although Nakul had abundant doubts about their co-habiting, they.....surprisingly blended in well together.

Nakul's doubt stemmed from the 4 conditions that he had set. Them being:

1. They both will maintain personal space and the other person won't invade it.

2. Nakul will be the person buying groceries.

This was mostly because Dhiraj denied taking the rent Nakul offered to pay and Nakul most definitely didn't want to freeload.

3. Nakul will also be in charge of cooking

And the last and the MOST IMPORTANT condition,

4. None of them will bring "people '' to the penthouse. As well as no throwing of any parties.

Nakul was sooooooooo sure that Dhiraj would break one of these conditions but unexpectedly, he didn't. In fact, Nakul realized that most of the assumptions and prejudice he held towards Dhiraj were in fact, not true. Dhiraj was.... surprisingly a somewhat straight-laced guy. As mentioned earlier, they seamlessly blended in well together.

Dhiraj usually woke up at 6am and he would be all ready at around 7:30 by the time Nakul would leave for school. Now although Nakul could just simply leave after preparing his own lunch box, he would prepare some extra for Dhiraj. They would then go their separate ways.

Nakul would come back from his school at 3 or so and would usually have the house of himself. He then took his afternoon nap, he loved soooooo much. By 7 in the evening Dhiraj would return too. And what he got to know from the old yet kind housekeeper lady in her 50s was that, it was only recently that Dhiraj came home early. Earlier, he won't be home even after 9. Hearing this, Nakul couldn't help but question, does he come back home early for me?

Same was the case for weekends. Under normal circumstances, Dhiraj would go to his office even on sundays. But now that his baby was here, he simply loved spending time at home!! Their weekends were mostly laid back and relaxed.

Nakul would wake up much later than his usual time. Dhiraj would try to help Nakul with breakfast, mostly in an attempt to show off his "cool" side and impress his baby. But all his attempts would end up in him creating a mess. Apparently cooking was something that the-almighty-Dhiraj sucked at. But sometimes, his sloppiness would make Nakul giggle. So for Dhiraj, making-a-fool-of-himself so that Nakul would laugh more....wasn't a bad idea.

The weekend evenings had also turned into movie night for them!! Ever since Nakul was able to experience life in colors, he had become somewhat of a movie-addict. On most weekdays he would watch movies and TV series on his own with his laptop. But on weekends, came time when he saw movies in Dhiraj's mini theater. What also was an addition to the big screen and popcorn was Dhiraj's company. On weekends, they both watched movies together. It had become a routine. With all of these new experiences, Nakul didn't realize when 3 weeks had passed by.

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