61. The Chairman gave his verdict

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The hospital bustled with busy bodies walking around, minding their own work. And then rushed 2 people into the elevator. Once in, Avanti pushed the top floor button, a floor dedicated for treating and serving only the elite and top 1% of the country.

Avanti had many questions running through her mind. She still was finding it immensely difficult to believe that not only was Nakul unaware about Dhiraj's health deterioration that happened the previous year but also about the pictures?! And even though she was having her doubts, the grim and shocked expressions Nakul was wearing were something she knew weren't something that can just be acted out. It was evident in Nakul's eyes that he still very cared about Dhiraj. But then why leave him in the first place?!

Her brain had stopped functioning. So she decided it was best to not think about anything else. All she knew was that, if Nakul being around Dhiraj will help the latter get better, then so be it!

The elevator chimed as they reached the top floor. She hurried her way towards the room Dhiraj was placed in, oblivious to the chaos that was going to proceed. Because there stood the man, who was ready to throw down punches for Dhiraj. Rajat.

Rajat's eyes fell on Nakul who followed after Avanti and......his blood boiled.


He couldn't hold himself any longer. His body moved unconsciously and soon, he held Nakul by his collar.

"What the hell are you doing here?! Wasn't it enough for you to drag him through hell and now you are here to torment him even more?" Rajat's reaction was justifiable. And of course Nakul couldn't reply to anything. He was guilty of being a major factor responsible for Dhiraj's condition.

"Why are you here? Huh?" Rajat absolutely didn't want to see that man around Dhiraj anymore.

"I brought him here!" Avanti interviewed, trying to pacify the situation so as for things to not to escalate. And she successfully pulled the 2 men away.

Seconds pass as both the men calmed down[mostly one]. One stood with his head down in guilt while the other shot daggers with his eyes. And Avanti took that moment to clear some things.

"Rajat, Nakul told me that Dhiraj didn't meet him."

"Huh?!" Rajat rolled his eyes. "Unbelievable! Now you are straight up lying?!"

"No! I'm not! Th-The last time I met Dhiraj was weeks ago. I was at a restaurant and Dhiraj met me! That's the last time I saw him." Nakul tried pleading.

"Oh yeah?! Then how did he land here?! He left to meet you. I bet you must've accused him of something else this time too!" Rajat stood firm on his ground.

"No I didn't." Nakul was nearly in tears.

That brought Avanti to her next doubt. "And Rajat did you never tell Nakul about those...pictures?!" She lowered her tone.

Now Rajat lost it! "What?! How shameless could you be?! You knew about those pictures!"

"I didn't...."

"You didn't?! I explicitly asked you that day you dropped by the office. I asked you 'you know why Dhiraj is doing all of this right?' And you said yes!"

"That's because he told me Avanti was pressuring him into doing these things."

"Don't keep lying. I even asked Dhiraj if he told you about this or not. He said he did!"

"But he didn't."

The mess that was being created reached its peak. Rajat could no longer keep his emotions as well as his words in check.

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