31. 2 (18+)The 2nd Base

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"Let's get rid of these clothes" Nakul suggested with a smile, as he undid Dhiraj's robe.

Now that Dhiraj was fully-naked, Nakul's eyes blessed themselves with that ethereal sight. Dhiraj was simply laying on the bed, but the dim lights made it seem as if his skin was glowing. Nakul's eyes widened as he simply couldn't take his eyes off that gorgeous man.

His body moved unconsciously, craving to feel that smooth skin he was devouring just minutes ago. Suddenly breathing became difficult, his throat went dry. His fingers ran over Dhiraj's chest, caressing the warmth of his skin. Dhiraj's body was typically warm, but the shower had made it warmer, even more sensitive as he could feel little goosebumps all over Dhiraj's skin. His fingers stopped in the middle of Dhiraj's chest as a realization dawned on him.

He's the same as me. Impatient. Dhiraj's heart was beating like crazy. His breath hagrid, cheeks flushed with bright red and those eyes.....They were drunk. Just wanting more. They only fueled Nakul's ego. Only I get to see him this way. Hehe....That thought brought a smile to his face.

Nakul's hawk-like eyes made Dhiraj embarrassed for some reason. He covered his flushed face with his forearm, wanting to hide. Maybe because his body and mind knew what would be coming next. As if he could read what Nakul would do next. He kept waiting in silence for Nakul to do....work his 'magic'.

But for Nakul, those desperate eyes only made him want to make them beg for more. The thought with which he started indulging in Dhiraj, of wanting to be soft and gentle, was muddled up with the temptation of seeing Dhiraj wasted with pleasure.

Their eyes met and Dhiraj didn't understand the abrupt pause. He just couldn't bear it anymore. "What are you looking at? Hurry....." Those embarrassed eyes pleaded.

Nakul smiled more. Let's not make my puppy wait any longer. He placed a small peck on the corner of Dhiraj's eyes and went to the cupboard. He returned with a box in his hands, making Dhiraj all curious. Nakul placed the box on the bed and the curious puppy peeked in. His eyes were left wide open as he immediately recognised what those 'things' were.

When Nakul said he would prep Dhiraj really good, he meant it. Being the meticulous teacher he was, Nakul looked into every small aspect of Anal-play as well as sex between men. Not only that, he ordered all the things that were necessary to make sex easy as well as enjoyable for both of them. But Dhiraj would beg to differ this time around. Because a particular item had caught his eye. He picked that soft, silicon based item up and started examining it. Nakul on the other hand couldn't be prouder.

Dhiraj observed that "thing", often feeling its smooth yet somewhat squishy texture and he couldn't help but question, "Why this?" He wasn't kidding. He seriously wanted to know the answer.

"It's necessary." Nakul replied with a twinkling smile. But Dhiraj wasn't buying that answer. Looking at that item, his nervousness returned. He gulped.

"I understand that you brought lube and stuff.....But this....?!" an unsure Dhiraj still questioned the "need" of that item. Seeing Dhiraj somewhat flustered by that, the sadist in Nakul took over. He leaned towards Dhiraj, as he whispered his explanation, "Didn't I tell you that I wanna stretch you real good. Get you all soft and loose from within, so that you can easily take my cock in. That's why I bought this......butt plug...." Nakul slid his tongue inside Dhiraj's ear as he let his words echo in Dhiraj's mind. Dhiraj shivered at that unexpected touch.

"Ahhh....Don't...." He was melting all over again with Nakul's low pitched whispers.

But the sadist wasn't done here. He wanted to see Dhiraj all red in embarrassment, because won't that be the ultimate Reward?

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